Epi25 / epi25-edc

CRF design for Epi25 collaborative
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Focal form - fields to default to No or Unknown #60

Closed BrigidRegan closed 9 years ago

BrigidRegan commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to have fields default to No or Unknown? Unless this is too hard or creates problems! For Focal, can we please have...

Default to No: Patient deceased Febrile seizures Aura (simple partial) Focal dyscognitive (complex partial) Focal other Other seizure types Intellectual disability Autism Spectrum Disorder Psychosis Reported family history of consanguinity

Default to Unknown: Ethnicity Classical febrile seizures Other seizures provoked by fever Neurological examination Type of epileptiform Location of focal epileptiform Type of photo paroxysmal response Drug resistant Family history First degree relative affected