Is it possible to have fields default to No or Unknown? Unless this is too hard or creates problems! For EE, can we please have...
Default to No:
Patient deceased
Febrile seizures
Infantile/epileptic spasms
Generalized Tonic-Clonic
Atypical Absence
Bilateral clonic
Focal seizures of any type
Status Epilepticus: convulsive
Status Epilepticus: non-convulsive
Other seizure types
Reported family history of consanguinity
Default to Unknown:
Gestational age
Head circumference at birth
Birth weight
Head trauma with skull fracture, intracranial bleeding
CNS infection
Neonatal seizures
Normal neonatal period (other than seizures)
Head size
Movement disorder
Other abnormalities
Conventional karyotype
Copy number analysis
Genetic testing
Metabolic testing
Classical febrile seizures
Other seizures provoked by fever
Neurological examination
Type of epileptiform
GSW frequency
Type of photo paroxysmal response
Location of focal epileptiform
Intellectual disability
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Drug resistant
Family history
First degree relative affected
Is it possible to have fields default to No or Unknown? Unless this is too hard or creates problems! For EE, can we please have...
Default to No: Patient deceased Febrile seizures Infantile/epileptic spasms Generalized Tonic-Clonic Myoclonic Absence Atypical Absence Tonic Atonic Hemiclonic Bilateral clonic Focal seizures of any type Unclassified Status Epilepticus: convulsive Status Epilepticus: non-convulsive Other seizure types Reported family history of consanguinity
Default to Unknown: Ethnicity Gestational age Head circumference at birth Birth weight Head trauma with skull fracture, intracranial bleeding CNS infection Neonatal seizures Normal neonatal period (other than seizures) Head size Tone Dysmorphic Movement disorder Other abnormalities Conventional karyotype Copy number analysis Genetic testing Metabolic testing Classical febrile seizures Other seizures provoked by fever Neurological examination Type of epileptiform GSW frequency Type of photo paroxysmal response Location of focal epileptiform Intellectual disability Autism Spectrum Disorder Psychosis Drug resistant Family history First degree relative affected