EpiModel / EpiModel-Gallery

Gallery of Network-Based Epidemic Model Templates for EpiModel
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Syphilis Model: Timing of Progression to Primary Stage #40

Open karina-d-wallrafen opened 1 year ago

karina-d-wallrafen commented 1 year ago

Currently, any active node in the incubating stage of syphilis infection is eligible for progression to the primary stage (Line 136 of module-fx.R reads idsEligPri <- which(active == 1 & syph.stage == 1)). Since the infection function is called before the disease progression function, this means that it's possible for a node to become infected and immediately progress from the incubating to the primary stage within the same time step.

Changing Line 136 to idsEligPri <- which(active == 1 & syph.stage == 1 & infTime < at) would ensure that there is at least a one time step delay between infection and progression to the primary stage.