EpicDuckPotato / stereo_vo

Stereo visual odometry implementation in ROS
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Do you have d435i bag file ? #1

Open arjunskumar opened 4 years ago

arjunskumar commented 4 years ago

Hi, Do you have any working bag file to share with me, I tried your implementation with Euroc Mav dataset, not getting a good results. Do you know the reason why?

EpicDuckPotato commented 4 years ago

Which Euroc Mav bags are you using? I could test them out and see what's going wrong. Are you setting the right intrinsics? I know some of them use omni cameras, in which case this wouldn't work.

I'd also keep in mind that this implementation is still a work in progress. So far I've gotten some decent results with KITTI (http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/eval_odometry.php), but even there the estimate drifts. For the d435i bag I'm testing with (https://drive.google.com/file/d/15kkSr7j_oj7YJPesiAjHrnUHP8NgtgIa/view?usp=sharing), the code only works for a couple seconds before blowing up. At this stage, you'd probably be in a better position to suggest issues than I am.