EpicGamesExt / BlenderTools

Blender addons that improve the game development workflow between Blender and Unreal.
MIT License
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Does this repo need to be private? #670

Closed namrog84 closed 10 months ago

namrog84 commented 12 months ago

There was a recent frustrated person posting here and they just wanted the send2ue plugin for blender. They made a decent point about the send2ue plugin being available to people publically. https://www.reddit.com/r/unrealengine/comments/16x9t4u/can_someone_upload_send_to_unreal_from_github/

I know this repo has both send2ue and ue2rigify, so maybe there is enough 'unreal engine related code' to justify it.

It's fine if the answer is no, I just thought I'd ask. But could this repo be made public?

The-Maize commented 12 months ago

Read this completely before you respond, (disclaimer) as I am told I sound like I am having a 'go' when I talk, however that is not the case (just to be clear, I'm just a direct person, and I say it how I process it in my mind.)

I don't think things need to change because of one person's issues, it's not hard to get access to UE code or repos. The fact is it's managed by epic games, and it is their sole right to do as they wish with the code, the repos and software therein, having source access to any of the software relating to the engine, or plugins is not a right, it's a blessing. Unity charges 300k for access to any source code, and if you want access to a plugin, you either pay for it, make it or wait for a developer to release it. Having the plugin available to blender for free is already a blessing to developers, so is having blender and UE for that matter, if they can't be bothered to spend the time getting access to the git repos of epic, in my opinion they should not have it. It's free, there's no need to hold the hands of every single person that complains about issues they are having. A part of developing is problem solving. The process to get access to epics repos is possibly one of the easiest things I've done in my development journey, it is not gatekeeping or holding someone back it's a simple matter of getting them working through the issue. They are better off learning "WHY" they are having issues rather than just having it handed to them. How will they solve this next time? will you be there to debug their game when they decide to declare an int as string? or would you let them learn from their mistake by guiding them. lots of those people that have already commented are "helping" by giving guidance. That is how you help. Feed a man, he will be full for a night, teach him to fish, and he will never be hungry. And in my view the repo is already "public" you just have to sign up for it, or reach out to epic staff via email or forums. There are obvious reasons the software isn't released without joining the git. Epic are a large company, with many years of lessons under their belts. They know what they are doing in regards to making people go through this process.

There comes a point in life where people need to take responsibility and figure stuff out and act on it. There are likely other issues going on with that person's side where they either cannot be bothered to sort out or are unwilling to reach out for some reason. They could be banned, or could have other issues related to epics support team they don't want to talk to them because of it, but if that's the case that's not the community's responsibility that's theirs and theirs alone.

I understand why you raised the subject. That is my view but I'm am but a user of the software and I honestly think people need to use the tools they have at their disposal rather than circumventing a process to get ahead. essentially it is the same as you standing in a long line at the super market, waiting your turn, you did the right thing, all for the guy right at the back to come in and say to the guy at the front of the line, hey man take this shopping through my banks broken I'll be over there with my feet up.

The correct response is not "ok I'll do that", it's "mate there's a bank branch over there, go in and fix it. then line back up like the rest of us. I do think it shouldn't be changed to cater for an issue that is in my opinion not on epics end, possibly email filters, incorrect email, or user error. or simply not giving enough time to be approved in the first place. There are many variables that could be causing the issue, that's where Epic Support teams are helpful. The other discussion id raises if that were me, if one repo gets pulled from "joining" requirements, why isn't it all getting pulled from the requirement. got to remember once one half of the can is opened the rest is exposed with it.

It's not unreasonable to ask that people follow procedure when they want access to things that are developed and given free of charge. It's the same rule for everyone, no matter what the situation is when asking for access to the repos. Part of that procedure is asking the owners (Epic) of the repos support team to resolve the issue with them.

For reference with in one minute i was able to search and find support pages for that issue, Resolutions on that issue, and that support for that issue has been recognised by Epic them selves.