EpicSquid / SuperiorShields

MIT License
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Shield causes crash with ProjectE #23

Closed Travis9x closed 2 years ago

Travis9x commented 4 years ago

General Information

Describe the bug: If you place a shield into the Transmutation Table to "learn" the item, SuperiorShields crashes the game.

To Reproduce:

  1. Have both SuperiorShields and ProjectE mods active.
  2. Craft a Transmutation Table, and a shield (make sure the shield has an EMC value, so as to be compatible with the Table)
  3. Place the shield into the left side of the table

Expected behavior: I would expect the shield to be "learned" by the table, just like any other item with a registered EMC value. I don't think a game crash is ever expected, aside from intentional bug-testing.

Environment Versions

Mystic Mods Versions

Other Versions:

Logging Information

Crash Report (if available): https://gist.github.com/Travis9x/264400184044830d8824769dae720934

Latest Log (if necessary): https://gist.github.com/Travis9x/d1346b3c99c7be9b7e0fee45c96b63bc

Additional Information

Screenshots (if available): Let me know if you need one.

Additional context (optional): Just a suggestion, but a tooltip display of the current/maximum energy/shield charge would be helpful.