EpicSquid / SuperiorShields

MIT License
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Disabling/Hiding Mod Compat Shields when you Lack the associated Mod #34

Open Celesticane opened 1 year ago

Celesticane commented 1 year ago

This is a small thing I've noticed that I'm not sure I would describe as a full-fledged bug, but I've found that the various mod-compat shields (such as the Malum or Twilight Forest shields) remain available to you in JEI and the creative menu even when you don't happen to have those mods installed- and without them, their shields end up looking out of place, and take up added space in the respective menus when you wouldn't realistically be able to access them anyway.

So I'm wondering if you could make some of these shields vanish from the game when you don't have the mods they're meant to be integration for installed; if, for example, you didn't have Mekanism in your modpack, you shouldn't be able to access the shields that require its materials, right? It's a little thing, but one I think could help give this mod that extra bit of polish.


EpicSquid commented 1 year ago

I'll look into it, I didn't think it would be much if an issue given you can't craft them and they don't need to do anything, but I'll keep you posted