EpicSquid / SuperiorShields

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Unusual values for Flux Shield when using modified Integral Components #44

Open MuteTiefling opened 1 year ago

MuteTiefling commented 1 year ago

General Information

Describe the bug: While testing, I inserted Integral Components with a custom 8x modifier on them into a shield and found the values would go negative for recharge rate and delay.

x8 image

x4 image

x2 image

Base (stats modified by config to attempt to find a value that doesn't do this. Happens with default stats too) image

To Reproduce:

  1. Give yourself an item with increased stats /give MuteTiefling thermal:upgrade_augment_3{AugmentData:{BaseMod:8,Type:"Upgrade"}}
  2. Insert into a Flux Shield

Expected behavior:

These values should be remaining positive, always.

Environment Versions

Mystic Mods Versions

Other Versions:

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EpicSquid commented 1 year ago

Hmm, what integral components is that? Thermal Endergy? Certainly seems odd since I tested it with a 12x in the past and it was fine.

Definitely will check it out, that math seems super wrong.

MuteTiefling commented 1 year ago

It's custom using Thermal's tag system.