EpicSquid / SuperiorShields

MIT License
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Active part of Shield display disappears upon clicking baubles menu in inventory #5

Closed VallenFrostweaver closed 5 years ago

VallenFrostweaver commented 5 years ago

Forge SS 1.0.1

When I equip a shield it may or may not charge visibly. At times I may need to take damage before the current shield status displays (besides the empty slots it could fill). Clicking the Baubles "ring" icon in the player inventory will make the shield display disappear (or appear empty) until damage is taken. Additionally, hovering the mouse over the shield in the bauble slot while it is charging it will blink briefly. See images for some reference. bug 2

EpicSquid commented 5 years ago

Im probably not syncing client and server correctly. I see what I can do.