EpicSquid / SuperiorShields

MIT License
8 stars 7 forks source link

1.20.1 Overloaded shield bar mechanic! #52

Open thicc-penguin opened 3 weeks ago

thicc-penguin commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, I love the mod so much! Thank you for your hard work.

Would you be open to looking into adding an "overloaded armor bar"/"colorful health bar"-esque implementation for the shield? I host a very high-difficulty server and so the latest game shields need to have a big chunk of health (40+) in order to stay relevant. Unlike vanilla, the shield does not go up a row after 20 points, but rather just gets longer and longer until it's across the screen!

I think it would be great if you implemented something like the aforementioned mods do (linked below)

Overloaded Armor Bar Colorful Health Bar