Epiconcept-Paris / STRAP-epiuf

Utility function package for STRAP
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55 dictionary slow applynaall #101

Closed epi-gde closed 7 months ago

epi-gde commented 8 months ago

Full test has been added (thanks to the vignette ! I just have to copy-past) Then code was profiled to identify long process (mainly repetitive grep ) and then simplified while using faster method
Code is 40 times faster for apply NA and hundred time faster for checkDico

Notice that

epi-gde commented 8 months ago

MatchDico works for character dico (put NA if not valid , doesn't count or print !) , should be harmonised with checkDico

epi-gde commented 8 months ago

expandVar and expandVarAll corrected , test added and vignette updated genericdisctionary.xlsx added for testing dictionary function on a xlsx file

epi-gde commented 8 months ago

All issues are reviewed, pull request ok