Epiconcept-Paris / STRAP-epiuf

Utility function package for STRAP
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Function to automatise data extraction for RedCap and KoboToolbox (API) #65

Closed loremerdrignac closed 4 months ago

loremerdrignac commented 1 year ago

On a weekly basis, data extraction from RedCp and KoboToolBox is done manually whereas an API exists and could be called from R. Need to use .Renviron to store RedCap token (See Jenny for more tech information available on RedCap and KoboToolBox website)

loremerdrignac commented 1 year ago

Useful website: https://blog.asitavsen.com/post/how-to-download-kobotoolbox-data-in-r/ https://campus.datacamp.com/courses/tabular-data-at-car/accessing-redcap-from-r?ex=5 Instructions for Renvironment.zip

epi-jhd commented 11 months ago

James Humphreys has set up the process to do this from RedCap in the WHO/EURO project. tokens currently stored on his computer. Next challenge is to devise secure way to store and share tokens.

EPI-JHS commented 11 months ago

Apologies I hadn't seen this issue previously. I have a (relatively) simple function for automated queries to RedCAP. It's currently set to my requirements, though I can generalise this script for use in other projects/Epiuf package:

Token for RedCAP is passed in call to function (see below for Token assignment):
runApi <- function(token) {
  ## Parameters for the request - here you can refine which records you're interested in
  formData <- list("token"=token,
  ## make the request using httr and POST method
  response <- httr::POST(url, body = formData, encode = "form")
  ## convert the httr response content and assign it to the name 'df'
  REDCapExtract <- httr::content(response)
  dataLocation <- pathToFile("SOURCES", paste0(countryEq,"/", yearDate ," ", month_number))
  fileName <- paste0(dataLocation,"CENSORED PROJECT FILE PATH",Sys.Date(),"_",strftime(Sys.time(), "%H%M"),".csv")
  ## download the r dataframe to CSV
  write.csv(REDCapExtract, fileName, row.names=FALSE)
Token set in a function below. It searches the project folders for an existing RedCAP extract, then looks for a local config I have called 'QueryRCAP_GENERALISED.R'. That script loops through the projects country names. Depending on the one set in a previous script, it will assign the correct API Key as Token. If no local config exists, it prompts the user for an API key:
API_request <- function(updateDate, country_code) {

  updateYearMonth <- strsplit(updateDate, "-")[[1]][1:2]
  updateYearMonth <- gsub("_", "", updateYearMonth)
  formattedUpdateDate <- paste(updateYearMonth, collapse = " ")

  source_path <- pathToFile("SOURCES", paste0(country_code,"/",formattedUpdateDate))
  filenames <- list.files(path = source_path)

  # Check if any of the filenames contain the updateDate
  file_exists <- any(grepl(updateDate, filenames))

  if (file_exists) {
    print("File exists. No API call was made.")
  } else if (file.exists("C:/Users/james/Documents/Dev/R/GIT-R/local_configs/EuroConfigs/QueryRCAP_GENERALISED.R")) {

  } else {
    tokenValue <- readline(prompt = "Please enter your API token for the survey of interest: ")
    responseDataframe <- runApi(tokenValue)
Note on automated extraction: this can be achieved quite easily by adapting the below to set Country/Project, Schedule (weekday, regularity of extraction etc), and file path for API keys. Please let me know and I can adapt this (or otherwise await the August meeting)
loremerdrignac commented 9 months ago

2023-09-14 Meeting with JHS, JHD, GDS, LMC

You will find below a quick summary of our conclusion:


loremerdrignac commented 9 months ago

Note: Once the agreed solution will be integrated in James' script above, we will include it in the epiuf package to share with the other projects using REDCap.

EPI-JHS commented 8 months ago

Update 12/10/23: