Epigenomics-Screw / Screw

SCREW: A Reproducible Workflow for Single-Cell Epigenomics
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Visualise DNA methylation per library for a specified region #38

Open oneillkza opened 6 years ago

oneillkza commented 6 years ago


As a bioinformatician, I would like to see what the DNA methylation looks like across all cells in a data set, in a small-ish region, in order to see the data underlying DMRs, enriched TFBS footprints, etc.






cmorganl commented 6 years ago

I've been working on the "cml_rmd_viz" branch. To run the R script outside of cwl, this seems to work consistently:

./bin/Region_methylation_wrapper.R -g hg19 -a /home/connor/Bioinformatics/Screw/Screw/test_metadata/example_gene_models.gtf -t /home/connor/Bioinformatics/Screw/Screw/test_metadata/example_dmrs.bed -c /home/connor/Bioinformatics/Screw/Screw/hg19_CpG.bed -b /home/connor/Bioinformatics/Screw/Screw/GSM1589192_K562.1_2.txt.chr19.meth.sym.cov.bw

Next steps:

  1. Introduce DNA methylation data from multiple libraries
  2. Integrate into cwl pipeline