Epihedron / Adventurer

Adventurer webpage and assests
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signin/signup - merge functionality #33

Closed zerske closed 10 years ago

zerske commented 10 years ago

I want to change the home page to show just an 'email' field. I'll add some client side scripting that will confirm a complete email address, then pass that email address to the model (all a controller action).

To do this, I'll need to post to a (model) server side function to check if that email is already associated with a user, and return a boolean as a result to my controller.

13ruce1337 commented 10 years ago

Will add the php script to run the function. It will return to javascript null if there is no match or 1 if there is match. dat boolean

13ruce1337 commented 10 years ago

@zerske, what is the name of the variable that you want to send to php for the return?

I'll need it to add it to $_POST['variable'] so the php script is notified about it. I'll more than likely add this to the top of /init.php.