Epiphqny / CondInst

Conditional Convolutions for Instance Segmentation, achives 37.1mAP on coco val
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Only square mask predictions are supported #6

Open xllau opened 4 years ago

xllau commented 4 years ago

Hi buddy, when I evaluate with your new weight file, I met the problem as follows:
assert masks.shape[-1] == masks.shape[-2], "Only square mask predictions are supported" AssertionError: Only square mask predictions are supported I don't know why this occur and how to fix this?

Epiphqny commented 4 years ago

@xllau Have you modified the post-processing file based on the inference instruction in README?

jianyeyuan commented 4 years ago


jianyeyuan commented 4 years ago


AndrewZhou924 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I met the same Error when evaluating. I follow the instruction in README: replace the original detectron2 installed postprocessing.py with the file in this repository. And then it works without error.