EpochModTeam / DayZ-Epoch

Experimental DayZ Mod for Arma 2
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Some suggestions #148

Closed Anammox closed 11 years ago

Anammox commented 11 years ago

Please do not take offense to any of these suggestions or comments. I don't mean to insult anyone's original ideas of how things should be run or exist in the world. I think you guys did a great job and I would only like to improve the mod in order to provide an even better game play experience as well as increase the mod's popularity.

Suggestion: (cherno specific) Switch the "unique" vehicle traders at NWAF and khelm. Reason: From what I can tell, civilian and unarmed vehicles spawn more often than military and armed vehicles. The former will therefore be sold more often at the trading posts compared with the latter. The civ/unarmed vehicle trader is currently right next to the NWAF, a high density location for barracks and military loot, and a popular and dangerous DayZ destination for that reason. This makes the NWAF trading post a very dangerous place to be. I don't think this is appropriate considering the "better" vehicles are bought and sold at Khelm. I think it should be more dangerous to visit the "better" vehicle vendor, and easier to visit the vendor that buys and sells the simple sedans, pedo-vans, etc. One other thing to consider is that Khelm is, in my opinion, a safer trading post location - it is at the peak of a hill so except for on the North side, anyone trying to kill you will sky-line and there are few trees to protect them at that point. The NWAF trading post, on the other hand, is an easy place to snipe people because of the surrounding forest.

Suggestion: Implement "server clean up" (or crank it up if it's already functioning). Reason: After several hours of playing on Cherno last night, I drove through a town I hadn't been to since I started playing and the bodies of the zombies I had killed were still there - this causes all sorts of lag and FPS drops, which would only be worse if there were more players online killing zombies. Get those dead bodies out of there.

Suggestion: Shorten time between server restarts Reason: As server pop grows, vehicles to scavenge will become more scarce - particularly on the coast where everyone spawns. This will make it substantially harder to gain wealth for several reasons. First, there are just fewer vehicles to sell. Second, slower accumulation of wealth in turn means higher risk of losing said wealth due to the expensive nature of more protected investments. In other words, if it takes longer to accumulate gold, then you're going to be running around with gold on you for longer because you won't be able to buy a lockable vehicle, or a vault, as fast. The longer you are alive, the more likely you will be killed by a bandit and lose the gold. By investing the gold into a lockable vehicle, the wealth you accumulated is more protected as long as the vehicle is locked and not destroyed. By increasing server restart frequency, the system of wealth and protection of that wealth can be accessed more readily and more fully. Otherwise I think the wealth cap will be quite low and few people will be able to accumulate enough to buy more than a bicycle and a g17. This would also help with server clean up - it's why many DayZ servers these days have shorter than 6 hour restart frequencies. THAT SAID, maybe you're trying to make things harder - at the same time, what's the point in having the high-end stuff if 1% of pop will ever access it?

Suggestion: Refine the currency system. However, I'm no Mathematician so I don't know how to write an algorithm to price items according to their spawn rates or anything that fancy. Reason: The trading post takes time to use if you're selling a variety of items and you have a variety of currencies on your person/in your car and are smelting, converting, selling, etc. This makes the low-end trading items and metal bars (Al, Sn) obsolete (Cu is borderline obsolete) because it takes a ridiculous amount of low end crap (eg. food, soda) to trade for just a couple copper bars that are not worth the time and effort it takes to run around the trading post performing all the actions. Not to mention how dangerous it is to hang out at a trading post for 30 minutes selling stuff for mere copper bars. It isn't worth your time in the least, particularly when vehicles go for 1500 copper bars and are not that hard to find. Even industrial spawn items (rotor, engine) are 50 times better than a copper bar. The current currency system is closer to RL item values, perhaps even what you might imagine in a post-apocalypse. However, this doesn't match the DayZ world with its own loot tables. You could even do away with Aluminum altogether. Maybe you don't care if its obsolete but I figure less coding is always better. To summarize, most of the trading is going to happen at the high-end, not the low end. You can change the prices of items but I think it would just be easier to change the exchange rates. I also don't think you should have to spend more than say, 3 bars of any kind at a trader - it's just annoying to have all that crap in your inventory and taking up room in a vehicle (eg. UH-1H is 12 Gold bars). So I would say adjust prices to accommodate for fewer inventory slots taken from bars (eg. UH-1H is 1 10oz gold + 2 gold bars). Current currency: 1Au=30Ag=300Cu=600Sn=1200Al Suggested currency: 1Au=30Ag=60Cu=120Sn=240Al Even better: 1Au=30Ag=60Cu=120Sn

Suggestion: Don't implement bandit camps.
Reason: I heard Axle talk today about possibly doing it, but I think you're only going to promote banditry by doing so. One of the reasons I think this mod could be so popular is because compared to DayZ, Epoch actually provides incentive to be a hero. DayZ has absolutely no incentive for being heroic, and promotes banditry to the max. Epoch needs to be different by promoting heroics and making it very challenging to be a bandit. Implementing bandit camps is going to ruin that by making it that much easier to be a bandit. It's already easy enough to be a bandit - you can scavenge everything you need/want from the world so you don't need trading posts to survive, or even flourish. Find a car, find a sniper rifle (really not that hard, esp. with a car) and you're golden to camp the trading post. You don't even need to collect metal bars from the survivors you kill because again, the world provides everything you need - you could just relish with the knowledge that you are ruining someone else's day (one of the many reasons people enjoy being a bandit). The trading posts don't provide anything needed, only the convenience of finding it in one place, and finding things that are more difficult to find such as high-end vehicles or weapons.

That's all for now. Nomnom aka Anammox aka Vince. twitch.tv/anammox streaming dayz epoch among others.

Axles commented 11 years ago

Something that I can chime in on is the "Bandit Camps" We have nothing set in stone on what these camps will consist of. But I can say that you will find it very hard to make any profit using them and will have limited vendors. We don't want to make a place for them to become rich off of or try to promote the "Bandit" lifestyle. Thanks for all the input and as for the money system. That system will be server owner based so they can change the rates and prices of each item.

zulkirs commented 11 years ago

I think it would be interesting to have one bandit camp in an awkward spot, like Skalka (North West of map) and have two Hero camps nearby the coast, like near Pusta, Msta, and/or Bor. Also, selling items/vehicles at a bandit camp at a reduce rate compared to normal, and higher rate to heroes. For instance, a normal camp will buy a SUV for 5 gold, a bandit camp will buy it for 3 gold, and a hero camp will buy it for 7 gold. Could even go farther to have bandits items cost more, and heroes cost a bit less.

teeek commented 11 years ago

sorry about the long winded post, but i have a bit to add to Noms post from my first couple experiences on dayzepoch

a difference in prices based on humanity level is definitely needed to further incentive towards becoming a hero, as far as I can tell there isn't much difference between the play style of regular dayz servers and epoch, find a weapon, find a vehicle, kill people at the trading post, profit.

as far as bandit camps go, i really hope these are limited (and also adjusted so the vendors don't hold on to powerful weapons that are sold to it, there should be no possible way to get military weapons besides maybe simple ironsight weapons such as the m4a1 or m16a2, and low end weapons like the aks kobra, etc). i believe there should be a large tradeoff associated with banditry, not just a reskin, and at the same time.. something worthwhile to gain from becoming a hero (adjusted prices, access to things bandits/normal survivors cannot access)

some suggestions on things i think should be not attainable by anyone without the proper humanity level unless you come across said item unlocked/purchased by another player, or loot it from a players body - ground/air vehicles with weapons (huey, mi17, chinook, HMMV w/tow + m240 if they're in) medical vodnik/medical truck (maybe even access to large storage size vehicles [v3s/ural]) high powered military (as50/LRR/m107/dmr.. and possibly even as far as all scoped AR/LMG, some of the g36 variants offer pretty powerful distances via their multi-level zooms and built in range hashmarks) military gear (entrenching, rangefinders, nvgs) buying medical supplies large backpacks

of course these items should still be able to be looted from their original spawns by anyone.

i have been a part of a few dayz forks with added trader posts that didn't include proper incentive to becoming a hero/straying away from the banditry lifestyle, only to devolve into KOS like the rest of the dayz servers because nobody was able to actually play the mod as intended without being ambushed by groups of outpost campers. basically the only thing adding a trader post did for these servers was relocate the pvp action from the coast to a random patch of trees/underpopulated town

and while i'm talking about the trader posts, i believe something needs to be done about the amount of time spent at a trader post, for example

right now it makes absolutely no sense to drive a vehicle up to a vendor and sell it with parts on it, you must strip all of the parts and then sell it to the vendor to gain maximum value... why not have the vendor base the prices on the condition of the vehicle? you can retrieve vehicle information from the salvage menu in a /100 based number, which is perfect.. it would allow you to average out the condition of the car based on the variables and adjust the value accordingly at the vendor. for a quick general example:

vehicle value = 8 gold

LF wheel 50% RF wheel 50% RR wheel 100% LR wheel 100%

average = 300 / 4 = 75%

75% of 8g = 6 gold

alternatively you could add it as a bonus amount with a bit more general math

sell the car for 8 gold and then have it calculate the values of the parts

basecar = 5 gold per wheel100% = 1 silver

so for selling that car, we'd make 5g 3s

copper.. kinda seems irrelevant to me, can this be something that is rewritten to use a money system? i can't really imagine many people wasting time on these when they take so much time/effort and inventory space just to combine and "color up" to silver, but if you coded in a dollar amount and added gold/silver sales to vendors, it would allow much quicker movement as well as free up important inventory space within the trader posts for lower value loot... otherwise i don't see copper as being a very active currency at all

another possible idea we came up with in teamspeak was to have NPCs that patrol around a trader outpost.. if you manage to sort out the problem with zombies attacking a fellow player transformed into a zombie, it should be similar code needed to apply the same effect to military AI so that it can differentiate between a hero, a survivor and a bandit and fire at those not welcome within the trader camps. this may be also possible if something similar to the wasteland teamkill penalty was coded in that forces a player with negative humanity over to the independent/opfor factions, thus making them hostile to npcs until a high enough humanity is reached to move back over to blufor. with 3 default factions in the mission file (blu/op/indy) this should be something that is possible, and something that persists after restart if stored in the local hive's database, however.. i'm not sure if it's entirely possible to keep a players inventory or prevent them from having to respawn once their teams have been switched, this would definitely need some more research before implemented

thanks for all the hard work gone into the mod though, can't wait to see what the patch brings, and i'm also really excited to see a mod finally try to tackle respawning as a zombie!

mdobrowney commented 11 years ago

The only thing I would like to see added is a crafting system to build bases or block off towns and houses from other players. A gate system for the bases with a key pad you can program a passcode to over using say a in game laptop. Allow base walls and keypads to be damaged from other players. Overall this mod is doing all the things I have been looking for in dayz for a long time. Pumped to see what the future holds for this mod.