EpochModTeam / DayZ-Epoch

Experimental DayZ Mod for Arma 2
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Request: re-balance cargo space #1588

Closed seb3sec closed 8 years ago

seb3sec commented 9 years ago

I'd like to see a set of better balanced car configs for Epoch. Right now the Armored SUV MG is completely OP and theres absolutely no reason to use a different car. Everyone who can afford a Armored SUV is driving one. (I know, ofther cars like Vodnik have better armor).

There are a lot of nice cars (HMMVW, LandRover, Vodnik) but they only have few cargo slots. In my opinion it would make much more sense to add some kind of classes, so if you choose a car you actually have to decide which features are important instead of having an allrounder.

Low cars like Lada, Skoda, Pickups(?), etc.: 50 Items (as it is now) Mid cars: Pickups(?), normal SUV: 100 Items High cars: Landrover, HMMVW, SUV Armored, etc.: 150 Items (definitely not as much as a cargo truck!) Cargo trucks: 200 items (as it is now)

githubmil commented 9 years ago

I agree that balancing the cargo would be a good idea. I recently balanced the armor and armor upgrades here: https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/pull/1548

One consideration should be cost. For example, since the armored SUV costs 200 gold, the same price as a helo with a minigun, then a player should get 200 gold worth of value when buying it. If the ASUV is reduced in storage to a relatively more realistic 100 items is it still worth 200 gold? Or is the money better spent on a helo like the Blackhawk? See what I mean? Right now the advantage of buying the ASUV over a helo is mainly the storage. So the cost would need to be looked at too.

Another consideration that needs to be made when balancing the cargo is the vehicle upgrades. The upgrades need to be worthwhile for players also, so those should also be looked at. All the cargo upgrades should be worthwhile to do considering how difficult they are to obtain.

h3po commented 9 years ago

I think 2bc is pretty cheap already for a car/helo with a minigun

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

So, I'm currently on the re-balance. I will give you gyus a short review about the new Cargo Space:


AN2_DZ transportMaxWeapons = 20; (+10) transportMaxMagazines = 125; (+45) transportmaxbackpacks = 15; (+0)


UH60_Base transportMaxWeapons = 20; (+10) transportMaxMagazines = 120; (+20) transportMaxBackpacks = 5; (+0)

UH1Y transportMaxWeapons = 10; (+5) transportMaxMagazines = 80; (+55) transportmaxbackpacks = 4; (+0)

UH1H transportMaxWeapons = 15; (+10) transportMaxMagazines = 100; (+75) transportmaxbackpacks = 8; (+4)

Mi17_DZ transportMaxWeapons = 25; (+15) transportMaxMagazines = 150; (+100) transportmaxbackpacks = 10; (+0)

Mi17_Civilian transportMaxWeapons = 10; (+0) transportMaxMagazines = 100; (+50) transportmaxbackpacks = 10; (+0)

MH6J_DZ transportMaxWeapons = 6; (+3) transportMaxMagazines = 50; (+30) transportmaxbackpacks = 3; (+0)

AH6J_EP1_DZ transportMaxWeapons = 5; (+2) transportMaxMagazines = 40; (+30) transportmaxbackpacks = 3; (+1)

AH6X_DZ transportMaxWeapons = 4; (+1) transportMaxMagazines = 40; (+10) transportmaxbackpacks = 2; (+0)

BAF_Merlin_DZE transportMaxWeapons = 15; (+0) transportMaxMagazines = 150; (+0) transportmaxbackpacks = 5; (+0)

CH53_DZE transportMaxWeapons = 20; (-5) transportMaxMagazines = 80; (+0) transportmaxbackpacks = 15; (+0)

CH_47F_EP1 transportMaxWeapons = 40; (+30) transportMaxMagazines = 350; (+150) transportmaxbackpacks = 20; (+15)


HMMWV_Base transportMaxWeapons = 12; (+2) transportMaxMagazines = 70; (+20) transportMaxBackpacks = 5; (+3)

HMMWV_M998A2_SOV_DES_EP1_DZ/DZE HMMWV_M1151_M2_DES_Base_EP1_DZ/DZE HMMWV_M1151_M2_CZ_DES_EP1_DZ/DZE transportMaxWeapons = 12; (+8) transportMaxMagazines = 100; (-20) transportmaxbackpacks = 8; (+4)

GAZ_Vodnik_medivac transportMaxWeapons = 10; (+0) transportMaxMagazines = 80; (+30) transportmaxbackpacks = 10; (+5)

GAZ_Vodnik_DZ/DZE transportMaxWeapons = 15; (+5) transportMaxMagazines = 120; (+70) transportmaxbackpacks = 10; (+5)

ArmoredSUV transportMaxWeapons = 15; (-5) Upgrade = 30 (-10) transportMaxMagazines = 150; (-250) Upgraded = 300 (-500) transportmaxbackpacks = 10; (+0) Upgrade = 15 (+0)

LandRover_Base transportMaxWeapons = 10; (+0) transportMaxMagazines = 80; (+30) transportmaxbackpacks = 5; (+3)

LandRover_Special_CZ_EP1_DZ/DZE LandRover_MG_TK_EP1_DZ/DZE transportMaxWeapons = 10; (+0) transportMaxMagazines = 100; (+50) transportmaxbackpacks = 8; (+6)

Thats what I changed for now. Basically I increased the cargo space for the most vehicles. What do you think?

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

I think we should stay away a bit from vanillia dayz and the real life. Epoch is a building and crafting mod. People like to store items and I don't know one server that has no AI missions or an AI sector running. What I mean by that is, we have much items from missions, from looting, from baseattacks and other events. Epoch needs a better cargo balance and I think the best way is to re balance the vehicle by increasing the most cargo space. I noticed that the ASUV has too much cargo space and no other ground vehicle or air vehicle has kind of the same cargo space like the ASUV. Most of the time, players drive only with the SUV or ASUV over the map. I want to see different vehicles, the land rover or gunner vodnic for example. It is the same thing with the air vehicles. Often I see the UH1Y or the Merlin on servers. The MI17 or the UH1H is a way to rare I think and the most important point, they all have much less cargo space than the ASUV. You cant even loot a single AI mission or an area with a few barracks, that your heli is out of cargo space. Of course that depends on what kind of server you play but all in all more cargo space is the better way I think. If it is possible I would recommend that the server admins can decide for their own what amount of cargo the vehicles have. I do not know if it is possible to move the cfgVehicle like the cfgTraders to the mission file or an option in the server files. Another option for that, I created a new vehicle class with the new cargo space and the server admins can decide what they prefer on their servers.

oiad commented 8 years ago

I like the idea of increased space but it does come at a price, as the OP said, the Armored SUV is pretty op at 400 space.

You have to be pretty careful with the balance that @ebaydayz touched on, some of the choppers have lack of space because they make up for it with fire power etc.

I would be in favour of buffing the space but as long as it was a small margin, maybe 10-20% at the most.

If anything vehicle wise that should be looked at, it's fixing the merlin so it doesn't leak fuel any time a window gets broken, that thing is a leaking timebomb.

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

Ive added a poll on the forum:


AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

According to the poll on the forum, we should left alone the re-balance for vehicles or what do you guys think?

icomrade commented 8 years ago

I honestly wouldn't touch it. As far as inventory space is concerned I think the different variations of the same vehicle need to have the same cargo space I.E MH6J should have the same space as an AH6J/X same with the MI17 variants, etc.

ndavalos commented 8 years ago

Before decreasing anything I would consider the impact on converted databases.

ndavalos commented 8 years ago

Guess I'll just have to deal with a bunch of pissed off people when their asuvs turn into cargo trucks. :(

oiad commented 8 years ago

@ndavalos : I see that happening, too. People are used to them being like that

icomrade commented 8 years ago

I wouldn't touch any vehicle configs unless it's to fix an inherent issue. Obviously everybody is used to the extended cargo space now, even if it makes no sense it may not be an issue. Just because something can be changed doesn't mean it should be.

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

I think if we leave this topic alone we definitely should not increase the Armored SUV Cargo. I see new servers only with Armored SUVs driving around. 400 should be good but not 800.

ndavalos commented 8 years ago

If the upgraded version achieves 400, then nerfing it would be fine, just swap the existing ones for the upgraded class on conversion.

ndavalos commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I'm just sayin, if you end up nerfing the cargo capacity, make the upgraded achieve what it currently is now :)

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

If I remember correctly you had not option to upgrade the ArmoredSUV in 1051 or did I miss something?. If you look in the old files: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/blob/Release_1.0.5.1/SQF/dayz_code/Configs/CfgVehicles/LAND/ArmoredSUV.hpp

Edit: So 400 is it at all

AirwavesMan commented 8 years ago

I think this is a good idea.

ndavalos commented 8 years ago

That's probably the best thing to keep people from flipping their lids, but still making cargo more reasonable.

oiad commented 8 years ago

That's a good compromise to be honest. I like it.