EpochModTeam / DayZ-Epoch

Experimental DayZ Mod for Arma 2
225 stars 399 forks source link

Epoch 1.0.7 Beta - RC1 #2093

Closed AirwavesMan closed 3 years ago

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

Ladies and Gentlemen we are ready for our first Epoch 1.0.7 Release Candidate.

Joining with the DayZ Launcher

  1. Download and install 7-zip from this website: https://7-zip.de/download.html
  2. Download the Epoch 1.0.7 Client Files from google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Xx0wq8QJFG4AqeXquxMQADm8y73FYeYO
  3. If you have finished the download, unpack the Epoch 1.0.7 Client Files. You need at least 7,4 GB of disk space.
  4. Go into the folder where you have installed all your of Arma 2 OA DayZ mods. It depends on where the DayZ Launcher has set the path.
  5. Once you found the folder with your mods rename @DayZ_Epoch to @DayZ_Epoch_old.
  6. Copy and paste the downloaded and unpacked folder from 3. into the mods folder where you have renamed the Epoch Mod. Keep in mind you need at least 7,4 GB of disk space.
  7. There should be a folder with the name @DayZ_Epoch_old and @DayZ_Epoch now.
  8. Click on @DayZ_Epoch and check if there is a sub folder called addons. @DayZ_Epoch\addons.
  9. If there is another folder called @DayZ_Epoch copy everything from this folder into the root folder called @DayZ_Epoch. So it looks like: that @DayZ_Epoch\addons and not: @DayZ_Epoch\@DayZ_Epoch\addons.
  10. You are ready to join an Epoch 1.0.7 Server now. Open the DayZ Launcher and join - Offical DayZ Epoch 1.0.7 Test Server.
  11. You will get a message that Epoch needs validating/updating. Click ok and ignore it. You can join the Test Server now.
  12. If you want to join any other Epoch non 1.0.7 server, just rename @DayZ_Epoch_old back to @DayZ_Epoch.

For Server Admins:

  1. Download and install 7-zip from this website: https://7-zip.de/download.html
  2. Download the Epoch 1.0.7 Server Files from google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gHNE4VBCeYXi0P_hosAI8k-49v15WNdr

How to test:

  1. Do not use any third party scripts or tools. Do not use infistar as an admin tool. Use this testkit: https://github.com/worldwidesorrow/TestKit
  2. Enable -showscripterrors in the DayZ Launcher and never ever use -nologs for testing.
  3. If you have bugs and problems on testing always provide logs. Server(if you are the admin) and Client Logs. You can find the Client Logs under C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA
  4. It is possbile that the folder is hidden in windows. You can make it visible: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4028316/windows-view-hidden-files-and-folders-in-windows-10
  5. Do not post the logs directly, use pastebin.com, google drive, or something like that and add the link.

Report all bugs under this topic.

zambasb commented 3 years ago

arcade_kit reads as cooking tripod when you see it in gear. It builds correctly into an SNK arcade machine and has gear?! Also TV small, Tv big, radio, PC and suitcase with diamonds can not be build. I assume the intention was that they could?

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

TV small, Tv big, radio, PC and suitcase with diamonds are only lootable objects. Spawnable as Weaponholder_suitcase and similar. Strings fixed with https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/commit/be9e2fcec086a1d474ab95b4870eabee26e4a49b

dreamforceinc commented 3 years ago

HK416 CCO SD has no recoil?

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

Recoil comes from M4A1_AIM_SD_camo. So there is a recoil.

dreamforceinc commented 3 years ago

Recoil comes from M4A1_AIM_SD_camo. So there is a recoil.


AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

Yes you are correct, there are more weapons with that problem.

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

Recoils fixed with https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/commit/a11d2891c46dfb8aaba0d40acb0ede3a2b35ec2c

spll3r commented 3 years ago

Glass from pook (Bell 47) is indestructible. No possiblity to harm the pilot or gunner if he aims on you.

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

This is a model problem and unfortunately we cannot do something about that.

spll3r commented 3 years ago

When i open the "expension" option in the main Menu of Arma 2 OA the new Epoch mod is still called "Day Z Epoch".

ArmA 2  Operation Arrowhead Screenshot 2021 01 21 - 09 00 16 71

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

Yes this is intended because otherwise the DayZ Launcher would not show or load the Epoch 1.0.7 beta. This will be changed in the final release.

seelenapparat commented 3 years ago

This is not a bug. It is just a thing for now, so you can use dayzlauncher to test. We will change that to rc 107 once the release it ready.

SURazzer commented 3 years ago

In the inventory, the slot machine is displayed as a swivel grill.

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

Already fixed with https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/commit/be9e2fcec086a1d474ab95b4870eabee26e4a49b

looter809 commented 3 years ago

Loving the new update so far and can't wait for the official release!

Not sure if this is a new bug or if I just never noticed it before but I quickly discovered a little sound glitch when walking on metal floors. It may have to do with the snow. Here's a video to show what I mean: https://youtu.be/0Otvb6T7vkE

looter809 commented 3 years ago

I see that there are CCTV and Notebook items that can be placed. Is the CCTV script in the epoch code now or are these just here for those who want to add the old cctv script?

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

@looter809 I will take a look at the sound bug. The CCTV Camera and the Notebook are just the items to support the old CCTV script. But you can use them of course for different things.

SgtLuka commented 3 years ago

~~1. The "eye" point in the Memory LOD for DesertEagle_DZ seems to be way too close to the pistol if compared to other Deagles, it looks like you're aiming down a rifle, not a pistol.

  1. Trader configs have a typo in them, VAL_POS1_DZ should be VAL_PSO1_DZ~~
AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

Thx for reporting. 2. Is fixed with https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/commit/07588820f784081f3faa097c5280f8b902eb59dd

looter809 commented 3 years ago

1. Not sure if it's really a bug but I noticed storage sheds and some other objects start in mid-air when you begin the preview build. Would this be possible to start at the ground level instead of floating a couple meters up in the air?

2. I also noticed with infistar (may be fixed later on infistar's code later) that the new doors that have a double door system, when you use the "1" key to unlock & open the door it only opens one of the two doors.

3. Another thing I was noticing, some base objects don't have descriptions, I forget which and will have to check again later today. Also tall safe is just called safe in inventory, could the name be changed for this? Same with the winter camo lockboxes possibly? You can tell what they are if you click on them and see the image but otherwise you can't really see the difference in the list of items in gear.

edit: 4. Also, while most server devs would probably change the trader prices and items, I feel like at default there are some things that are too cheap. The main thing that comes to mind is that the explosive crossbow bolt is 4 silver iirc. I've seen people use these on full mil servers to take out tanks. At the current prices I feel like it should cost at least as much as a grenade costs, which I believe is 1-4 gold (I don't remember).

All of these are just nitpicking for the most part...

looter809 commented 3 years ago

@looter809 I will take a look at the sound bug.

I found it even happens with zombies who touch the metal floor and then are on the snow. I never played on snow maps on Arma so it may have always been an issue and I just didn't know.

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago
1. The "eye" point in the Memory LOD for DesertEagle_DZ seems to be way too close to the pistol if compared to other Deagles, it looks like you're aiming down a rifle, not a pistol.

@SgtLuka Fixed in RC2.


  1. Fixed with https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/commit/a9d0e050fa6075fd65a8bce42b698ad3e70a3bea
  2. Infistar bug
  3. Will probably check that but it is low priority for now.
  4. Updated with https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/commit/33a1a33b87d8946e71aaa0880afa2a02f110a910

@looter809 I will take a look at the sound bug.

I found it even happens with zombies who touch the metal floor and then are on the snow. I never played on snow maps on Arma so it may have always been an issue and I just didn't know.

I can reproduce the sound bug but it does not hold very long. So I think it is just an arma thing.

seelenapparat commented 3 years ago

"2. Infistar bug" -> that is not true tho. Infistar just uses the base animation names of most objects and sets them to 0 or 1 respectively, depending on what action it is doing (e.g. open = 1, close = 0). The animations have names in the stringformat. If the new buildingparts use different animationnames for the new doors, infistar cannot open them or only party. E.g. left door animationname is Door1 and it is in the array of animationnames it works. If the right door is called Door2 and it is not in this array it does not work. It needs to be added to the correct array of animationnames to check for in infistar. Still this is something infistar needs to fix if and when they will update the tool to 107. Example from my tool: {_ct animate [_x,1];} forEach ["Open_hinge","Open_latch","Lights_1","Lights_2","Open_door","DoorR","LeftShutter","RightShutter", "DoorL","DoorR","dvereGarazLeve","vrataGaraz","dvereGarazPrave","dvereGarazLeveDva","dvereGarazPraveDva" "vrataGarazLeve","vrataGarazPrave","vrataGaraz2","dvereJednaC","garagedoor","ani_gvratka", "vratka","dvereJednaA","vratkaDva","dvereJedna","dvere1","dvere2","ani_dverV1","ani_dver1","ani_dver2","ani_kalitka", "vrata","hride1","kolo1","vaha","kolo2","svich","hridel","lesnica1"];

looter809 commented 3 years ago

~~Found another bug. On the new version of the ka60, gunner is stuck facing forward unless they press 0 on num (aim down the sights). Same with the new wildcat (lynx) m240 version. Both only seem to be the DZE and not the DZ version.~~

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

@looter809 Thats unfortunately normal if helicopters spawn without any ammo and it happends on more helicopters aswell.

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

@seelenapparat Thats only partly correct. Infistar missed some of the animations to open doors like the animations for the dayz mod fences so it is indeed an infistar bug.

seelenapparat commented 3 years ago

@AirwavesMan: I guess it is just semantics then. A missing feature is not a bug in my opinion, but ok. ;) And what you just wrote is exaxtly what I wrote.

DudeGuuud commented 3 years ago

Hi,i got trouble while using testkit,i cant spawn any itembox and sometimes it wont work when spawning vehicles.Once i exit from the server,i cant relogin anymore unless reboot the server.

worldwidesorrow commented 3 years ago

Review your logs. Something must be wrong with your server install.

jeffekill commented 3 years ago

where do I get a bikey that works?

worldwidesorrow commented 3 years ago

Turn signature verification off. Change this line to zero. https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/Server%20Files/DZE_Server_Config/11_chernarus.cfg#L19

IsGoose commented 3 years ago

It seems that all Variants of the new RK-95 have 0 Recoil

Schalldampfer commented 3 years ago

~~Some of new crafting and modular buildings seem not to be removable. Wood/Metal pillars and Helipads didn't even show up in the interaction menu.~~

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

@IsGoose Recoils are fixed already with https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/commit/a11d2891c46dfb8aaba0d40acb0ede3a2b35ec2c

@Schalldampfer Wood/Metal pillars are fixed in RC2 already. The model had no cursortarget. The Helipads are just a support for the virutal garages. The garage dialog can remove the helipads.

dreamforceinc commented 3 years ago


It is also not described that this rifle is silent - STR_DZ_WPN_M200_CHEYTAC_SD_DESC

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

Added with https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/commit/bb2e05a7fc600dac5a0b270fda4ace425bbb948f

The VAL is silenced only so there is no need for an extra SD indicator.

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

The new RC2 is up.