EpochModTeam / DayZ-Epoch

Experimental DayZ Mod for Arma 2
225 stars 399 forks source link

Epoch 1.0.7 Beta - RC3 #2111

Closed AirwavesMan closed 3 years ago

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

Ladies and Gentlemen we are ready for the third Epoch 1.0.7 Release Candidate.

Joining with the DayZ Launcher

  1. Download and install 7-zip from this website: https://7-zip.de/download.html
  2. Download the Epoch 1.0.7 Client Files from google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Xx0wq8QJFG4AqeXquxMQADm8y73FYeYO
  3. If you have finished the download, unpack the Epoch 1.0.7 Client Files. You need at least 7,4 GB of disk space.
  4. Go into the folder where you have installed all your of Arma 2 OA DayZ mods. It depends on where the DayZ Launcher has set the path.
  5. Once you found the folder with your mods rename @DayZ_Epoch to @DayZ_Epoch_old.
  6. Copy and paste the downloaded and unpacked folder from 3. into the mods folder where you have renamed the Epoch Mod. Keep in mind you need at least 7,4 GB of disk space.
  7. There should be a folder with the name @DayZ_Epoch_old and @DayZ_Epoch now.
  8. Click on @DayZ_Epoch and check if there is a sub folder called addons. @DayZ_Epoch\addons.
  9. If there is another folder called @DayZ_Epoch copy everything from this folder into the root folder called @DayZ_Epoch. So it looks like: that @DayZ_Epoch\addons and not: @DayZ_Epoch\@DayZ_Epoch\addons.
  10. Update to RC3:
  11. Download the updated files from: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JgjLJZG7E7DBFeF2BGKBBju8v3vyMQUg
  12. Unpack the RC3 Files and copy from the unpacked @DayZ_Epoch from the updated files folder over the @DayZ_Epoch from 6. and overwrite all files in there.
  13. You are ready to join an Epoch 1.0.7 Server now. Open the DayZ Launcher and join - Offical DayZ Epoch 1.0.7 Test Server.
  14. You will get a message that Epoch needs validating/updating. Click ok and ignore it. You can join the Test Server now.
  15. If you want to join any other Epoch non 1.0.7 server, just rename @DayZ_Epoch_old back to @DayZ_Epoch

For Server Admins:

  1. Download and install 7-zip from this website: https://7-zip.de/download.html
  2. Download the Epoch 1.0.7 Server Files from google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gHNE4VBCeYXi0P_hosAI8k-49v15WNdr

How to test:

  1. Do not use any third party scripts or tools. Do not use infistar as an admin tool. Use this testkit: https://github.com/worldwidesorrow/TestKit
  2. Enable -showscripterrors in the DayZ Launcher and never ever use -nologs for testing.
  3. If you have bugs and problems on testing always provide logs. Server(if you are the admin) and Client Logs. You can find the Client Logs under C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA
  4. It is possbile that the folder is hidden in windows. You can make it visible: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4028316/windows-view-hidden-files-and-folders-in-windows-10
  5. Do not post the logs directly, use pastebin.com, google drive, or something like that and add the link.

Report all bugs under this topic.

cyberdemonv2 commented 3 years ago

~Test server on port 2302? tried joining and its running a panthera map? :S ignore my ignorance, i found the port using a google search!~

CorpsesRobbers commented 3 years ago

~When i want to join i can choose Character and where i want to spawn and then freeze the Game and i have a white Display only with alt+F4 i can go out. Can you help me about that issue? Have the RC3 Edition wich show here. Best regards~

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

Test server on port 2302? tried joining and its running a panthera map? :S ignore my ignorance, i found the port using a google search!

The port is 2332

When i want to join i can choose Character and where i want to spawn and then freeze the Game and i have a white Display only with alt+F4 i can go out. Can you help me about that issue? Have the RC3 Edition wich show here. Best regards

Please join the epoch discord and provide logs so we can help you.

dreamforceinc commented 3 years ago

~1. When I in GyroCovered and Zeds hit me I get an errors: https://pastebin.com/AsLFxSuV https://pastebin.com/wYtEPg8b~

~2. Missing CementBag on Traders.~

~3. Wrong position of chevrons on Military Stalker skin.~

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago


  1. I will take a look at it
  2. Cement Bags are wholesaler only
  3. No idea what you mean by that.
dreamforceinc commented 3 years ago

~3. I mean "stripes".~ chevron

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

Ok, thats nothing I can do about.

dreamforceinc commented 3 years ago

~When I build the 'cinder_door_hatch_kit' I get the error:~

arma2oa 2021-03-01 17-30-39_cr

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

When I build the 'cinder_door_hatch_kit' I get the error:

Fixed with https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/commit/31d4f156505771ad09a4d58180361eea544b971e

CorpsesRobbers commented 3 years ago

~I think here is the same update? from: class CinderDoorHatchLocked_DZ: CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ_Base { scope = 2; model = "\z\addons\dayz_epoch_v\base_building\cinder\cinder_door_window**cinder_door_hatch_locked.p3d"; to: class CinderDoorHatchLocked_DZ: CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ_Base { scope = 2; model = "\z\addons\dayz_epoch_v\base_building\cinder\cinder_door_window\cinderdoor**_hatch_locked.p3d"; Or im wrong?~

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

I think here is the same update? from: class CinderDoorHatchLocked_DZ: CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ_Base { scope = 2; model = "\z\addons\dayz_epoch_v\base_building\cinder\cinder_door_window_cinderdoor_hatch_locked.p3d"; to: class CinderDoorHatchLocked_DZ: CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ_Base { scope = 2; model = "\z\addons\dayz_epoch_v\base_building\cinder\cinder_door_windowcinderdoor_hatch_locked.p3d"; Or im wrong?

Im not sure what you mean but the model name is correct for the locked version.

dreamforceinc commented 3 years ago

What is the difference between a "STR_DZESKIN..." and a "STR_DZEEQUIP..."?

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

STR_DZE_EQUIP is the acutal name of the skin item. STR_DZE_SKIN is the name of the dead body if you gear it.

dreamforceinc commented 3 years ago

I would like to ask to update the 'Just another Evac-Chopper' script for 1.0.7. I need to update some russian messages but dont understand context. At this time JAEM doesnt work for me. https://epochmod.com/forum/topic/44828-release-jaem-just-another-evac-chopper-mod-v15/

IsGoose commented 3 years ago

If its a community script not included in Epoch as Standard, then its up to the creator to update it and not Epoch Devs, unless someone forks it and updates it

zambasb commented 3 years ago

Hello. I have a bug to report and a suggestion. 1.The bug is when you build doors or the new big safe under some circumstances someone can see through them and gain or loose advantage.

https://youtu.be/tJ7RXBtG2x4 https://youtu.be/Db0f_xH0hTI

~2. Can it be added to vehicle descriptions in traders the vehicles that can work in water? I had some players asking which vehicles can work in water and thought would be a good idea traders to show which vehis can do so.~

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

Hello. I have a bug to report and a suggestion. 1.The bug is when you build doors or the new big safe under some circumstances someone can see through them and gain or loose advantage.

https://youtu.be/tJ7RXBtG2x4 https://youtu.be/Db0f_xH0hTI

1. Can it be added to vehicle descriptions in traders the vehicles that can work in water? I had some players asking which vehicles can work in water and thought would be a good idea traders to show which vehis can do so.
  1. I will take a closer look at that.
  2. There are no config entries which say that a vehicle can swim or not. Those information can only be added if we hardcode them for every vehicle. This is something server admins can add if they want but we will not add it for Epoch.
dreamforceinc commented 3 years ago

~Some items are not sold by traders and their prices are not displayed in the "Details" frame. Maybe should add the message "Not salable"?~

arma2oa 2021-03-08 14-16-07_cr

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

Every item with -1 as value will not be displayed in the trader list. It is not buyable. If something occurs like on the screenshot, the acutal price got removed. Ive checked on the current files and everything is how it should be. Check the GPS line in your trader config files.

dreamforceinc commented 3 years ago

It is freshly reinstalled server, all trader's values are default. This occurs when I try to sell an item that the trader doesnt have.

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

Ah I see, this is the item you want to sell.

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

@dreamforceinc Ive updated how an unbuyable item is displayed. https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/commit/4fd12d00867ab7765853d3347c5abbb880fa98ca


ndavalos commented 3 years ago

Hello. I have a bug to report and a suggestion. 1.The bug is when you build doors or the new big safe under some circumstances someone can see through them and gain or loose advantage.

  1. I will take a closer look at that.

It's certain lighting conditions, for the life of me I can't remember which of the advanced video settings fixes it, I tried to figure it out so you had a direction to go in. Basically the textures/materials for the actual door on cinder doors (garages mostly) and regular safes seem to become transparent with the right combination of video settings for the most part. It's been a long standing bug with the textures/materials. I think it may also have something to do with how the light reflects off the surface, but I don't remember.

dreamforceinc commented 3 years ago

I still get the error when the zombie hits me in the Gyros. https://pastebin.com/WzFiSWWk

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

RC4 is not ready. We are still in RC3

dreamforceinc commented 3 years ago

What is the strange shadow? ))


dreamforceinc commented 3 years ago

I can't sell backpacks from a vehicle - is it a bug? https://youtu.be/q5sBMD8zibw

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

What is the strange shadow? ))


Yeah it looks really weird but thats nothing we can do about.

I can't sell backpacks from a vehicle - is it a bug? https://youtu.be/q5sBMD8zibw

Selling backpacks from vehicles was never added, due to a missing arma 2 command for deleting only a few backpacks from a list not all at once, if I remeber correctly.

ndavalos commented 3 years ago

It appears RscDisplayCraftingMenu is no longer accessible from the journal? It appears to be commented out. I had a player asking where the crafting system is now.

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

The DayZ Mod crafting got fully removed and all options got added as rightclick to the items.

ndavalos commented 3 years ago

~~ I seriously doubt you'll be able to do anything about it except redo the MBG buildings, but there's a long standing camera bug with Land_MBG_Warehouse where the building just disappears depending on the camera angle. I think it's mostly a 3rd person bug. https://youtu.be/qMaC0V2R51s

Yeah just tested first person and 3rd person, definitely only a 3rd person issue.

Edit: it may also be an issue with most of the kill houses too, I can't remember exactly though. ~~

AirwavesMan commented 3 years ago

We cannot do anything about the MBG buildings.

RC4 is up.