EpochModTeam / DayZ-Epoch

Experimental DayZ Mod for Arma 2
225 stars 400 forks source link

Epoch Beta - RC1 #2167

Closed AirwavesMan closed 2 years ago

AirwavesMan commented 2 years ago

Ladies and Gentlemen we are ready for our first Epoch Release Candidate.

Joining with the DayZ Launcher

  1. Download and install 7-zip from this website: https://7-zip.de/download.html
  2. Download the Epoch Client Files from google drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V5OlfFl8BzsVSCHFNRwFVnaBCva3M6Po/view?usp=sharing
  3. If you have finished the download, unpack the Epoch Client Files. You need at least 7 GB of disk space.
  4. Go into the folder where you have installed all your of Arma 2 OA DayZ mods. It depends on where the DayZ Launcher has set the path.
  5. Once you found the folder with your mods rename @DayZ_Epoch to @DayZ_Epoch_old.
  6. Copy and paste the @DayZ_Epoch folder from 3. into the mods folder where you have renamed the Epoch Mod. Keep in mind you need at least 7 GB of disk space.
  7. There should be a folder with the name @DayZ_Epoch_old and @DayZ_Epoch now.
  8. Click on @DayZ_Epoch and check if there is a sub folder called addons. @DayZ_Epoch\addons.
  9. If there is another folder called @DayZ_Epoch copy everything from this folder into the root folder called @DayZ_Epoch. So it looks like: that @DayZ_Epoch\addons and not: @DayZ_Epoch\@DayZ_Epoch\addons.
  10. You are ready to join an Epoch Server now. Open the DayZ Launcher and join - Official Epoch RC1 Test Server. Use only the IP without the port or search for Official Epoch
  11. You will get a message that Epoch needs validating/updating. Click ok and ignore it. You can join the Test Server now.
  12. If you want to join any other Epoch non server, just rename @DayZ_Epoch_old back to @DayZ_Epoch.

For Server Admins:

  1. Download and install 7-zip from this website: https://7-zip.de/download.html
  2. Download the Epoch Server Files from google drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mq5YXoqKrbpqRgafooNHv_r4zdfbb4Xi/view?usp=sharing
  3. The passwortd to unpack is: 123456
  4. Server Admins can use the verifySignatures = 2; since all addons are fully signed. The bikey comes with the server files.

How to test:

  1. Do not use any third party scripts or tools. Do not use infistar as an admin tool. Use this testkit: https://github.com/worldwidesorrow/TestKit
  2. Enable -showscripterrors in the DayZ Launcher and never ever use -nologs for testing.
  3. If you have bugs and problems on testing always provide logs. Server(if you are the admin) and Client Logs. You can find the Client Logs under C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA
  4. It is possbile that the folder is hidden in windows. You can make it visible: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4028316/windows-view-hidden-files-and-folders-in-windows-10
  5. Do not post the logs directly, use pastebin.com, google drive, or something like that and add the link.

Report all bugs under this topic.

ndavalos commented 2 years ago

I like the new modular/snap building, but, some of us are left handed, unfortunately rotating objects is all bound to arrow keys, so basically, I can't move while I'm building, it just rotates the object. Any tips on fixing that?

Victor-the-Cleaner commented 2 years ago

Hi @ndavalos, when you are building, can you try using the WASD keys and confirm if they allow you to move your character? I know you are left-handed, but can you please check this first and confirm that both sets of keys are active; the WASD and the arrow keys. Thanks.

ndavalos commented 2 years ago

The keys work, although, they are already bound to different keys. I know because I hit "s" and it performed the vault action, so they are working. I adjusted my own code and found that simply changing

[[DIK_UP], _dze_up] call _addArray; [[DIK_DOWN], _dze_down] call _addArray; [[DIK_LEFT], _dze_left] call _addArray; [[DIK_RIGHT], _dze_right] call _addArray;

in keyboard.sqf will fix the issue. It would probably be useful to give the option of changing the keys in configVariables.sqf, or just set them to the number pad directionals like so:

[[DIK_NUMPAD8], _dze_up] call _addArray; [[DIK_NUMPAD2], _dze_down] call _addArray; [[DIK_NUMPAD4], _dze_left] call _addArray; [[DIK_NUMPAD6], _dze_right] call _addArray;

That will of course require changing STR_EPOCH_TUT_KEY_ARROWS as well in stringtable.xml

AirwavesMan commented 2 years ago

An option to switch between right-handed and left-handed with F6 got added with https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/commit/03636463c6912bda27e39c8249f90cbbde884f5e

ndavalos commented 2 years ago

Found an issue with fn_exitSwim.sqf, if you are on Taviana and log out on an oil rig, there is a good chance you'll end up spawning in the water swimming because fn_exitSwim executes and uses setposATL. Also, fn_exitswim hasn't ever really worked right on Namalsk in some areas (it all depends on where you log out), this will fix it to work consistently:

private ["_unit","_paraPosition","_para"];
if ((typeName _this) == "ARRAY") then {
    _unit = _this select 0;
    _paraPosition = _this select 1;
} else {
    _unit = _this;
    if (surfaceiswater (getpos _unit)) then {
        _paraPosition = getposASL _unit;
    } else {
        _paraPosition = getposATL _unit;
_unit allowDamage false;
_para = "ParachuteWest" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];
_para setPos [(_paraPosition select 0),(_paraPosition select 1),(_paraPosition select 2) + 0.1];
_unit moveInDriver _para;
deleteVehicle _para;
if (surfaceiswater _paraPosition) then {
    _unit setPosASL _paraPosition;
} else {
    _unit setPosATL _paraPosition;
_unit allowDamage true;

I added the ability to either pass the location or just the player so it can be used in different ways. Also I added 0.1 to the z pos due to placing the parachute right at player z is kind of pointless since you need to pull them out of the ground a little bit anyways. Releasing them from the parachute won't damage them by adding a little to the z pos regardless, and shouldn't affect their ultimate end position. I tested various scenarios on Namalsk and it seems to work perfectly now. I also recommend calling fn_exitswim with a spawn to run it scheduled, less issues with it not working. Unscheduled seems to make it act funny sometimes depending on the map and performance of the client. Also running it scheduled no longer produces the move out while mov in in progress in the client rpt. Feel free to change the private to local if you want, there really won't be much of a performance gain either way.

The scripts battleye filter will need to be adjusted with:

!="paraPosition select 2) + 0.1];\n_unit moveInDriver _para;\ndeleteVehicle _para;\nif (surfaceiswater _paraPosition) then {\n_unit set"
AirwavesMan commented 2 years ago

Added with https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/commit/876e264e33c563472309eb663fe3023af83317a7

AirwavesMan commented 2 years ago

RC2 will be up tomorrow.