EpochModTeam / DayZ-Epoch

Experimental DayZ Mod for Arma 2
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New Ammo Adding System Deletes Magazines #684

Closed mikeloeven closed 10 years ago

mikeloeven commented 10 years ago

some vehicle weapons can only have one ammo box added at a time and adding an additional ammo box deletes it instead of adding a spare

mikeloeven commented 10 years ago

additionally this bug seems to go further than thought some vehicles on restart are reset to 0 ammo loosing the magazine added to it.

dayz10k commented 10 years ago

This is a feature from the last patch. Not an issue

vbawol commented 10 years ago

ARmed vehicles with the class ending in _DZE are ammo less versions. You can use _DZ versions to get one magazine per gun like before or even use the stock classes to get 4-6 mags per gun.

mikeloeven commented 10 years ago

umm i am aware of the feature vehicles spawn and are purchased empty this issue has nothing to do with that this issue involves not being able to add enough ammo to vehicles as well as the vehicles deleting the ammo you added to it. basically the game is stealing perfectly good ammo that was added to the vehicles BY THE PLAYER which is not acceptable

replying that this is an intended feature makes you look like you didn't fully read or understand the OP

and there is no reason you cant add spare ammo to vehicles in fact the gun on the vehicle should see spare ammo inside the cargo just like your gun sees mags in your inventory.

dayz10k commented 10 years ago

AWOL stated how to get the old vehicles back. That's the only way. Vehicle ammo state is not remembered by anything...it's managed by the ARMA engine when the mission is created. It's either all or nothing, and both options are available to you.

Use it or lose it if you use the new vehicles (DZE).

Sequisha commented 10 years ago

If there was a reasonable way to save vehicle ammo we would have done so already; I assure you.

mikeloeven commented 10 years ago

so basically without thinking it through again another massive change that is 10 times more detrimental than the original mechanics were unbalanced i think since vehicles delete ammo on restart it is owed the players some method of recovering partially emptied mags from vehicles so they can store them. to be honest the epoch dev team has shown a quite shocking lack of forethought in the recent patch causing a lot of issues trying to increase realism but actually destroying it and breaking well established mechanics in the attempt.

dayz10k commented 10 years ago

The devs incorporated a way to revert this by using other vehicles. Just use the _DZ vehicles and it'll be like

vbawol commented 10 years ago

I did think about it and actually did more work just to add the _DZ versions for each of these vehicles so that server owners could have armed vehicles similar to the dayz ones with just one magazine per gun,

mikeloeven commented 10 years ago

the thing is reverting removes the intention of the mechanics change the issue is loosing existing ammo which should be addressed since a lot of admins like the new mechanics as well

vbawol commented 10 years ago

Like @Sequisha said "If there was a reasonable way to save vehicle ammo we would have done so already; I assure you."

mikeloeven commented 10 years ago

than i think the best course of action is one free mag this will be burned through quite quickly and will offset some of the damage