EpochModTeam / Epoch

Epoch Survival Game Mode for ARMA 3
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Tents - buildable, deployable and temp storage #829

Closed morgoth0 closed 7 years ago

morgoth0 commented 7 years ago

So, since I basically was told that everything I was thinking about for Epoch 1.0 was already covered, I thought I would make sure there were issues raised to ensure that they were.

The first is a deployable tent (A-frame and Ridge) that would act as temporary storage in the same way that Tipis and Lockboxes do. Would need a packed model for each so that they can be found as loot or crafted (but that side of things is beyond my abilities, I don't know graphics or 3D modeling) but the CfgVehicles additions for the tents themselves would be:

class TentA_EPOCH : Buildable_Storage
    author = "whoever";
    scope = 2;
    model = "\A3\Structures\Civ\Camping\TentA_F.p3d";
    displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_TentA";
    maximumLoad = 800;
class TentDome_EPOCH : Buildable_Storage
    author = "whoever";
    scope = 2;
    model = "\A3\Structures\Civ\Camping\TentDome_F.p3d";
    displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_TentDome";
    maximumLoad = 1200;

Additions to the stringtable for these items would be:

<Key ID="STR_EPOCH_TentA">
        <Original>A small one-person tent</Original>
<Key ID="STR_EPOCH_TentDome">
        <Original>A spacious camping tent</Original>

Cheers, Grahame.

morgoth0 commented 7 years ago

And oops... this really should be an issue on EpochCore... my apologies... opening there. Please close this one...

vbawol commented 7 years ago

Added, just need a packed tent magazine item and to setup the crafting + kit @Helion4 could you add a packed tent model as the magazine item for these? see #846