EpochModTeam / Epoch

Epoch Survival Game Mode for ARMA 3
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server_securityfunctions.sqf #932

Closed natoed closed 6 years ago

natoed commented 6 years ago

It all still works as far as I can tell thou it throws the below errors in the server rpt log. I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one using the default AH btw.....

16:26:40 "Loading config..." 16:26:40 Error in expression <Token = _skn_t1+_skn_t2+_skn_t3+_skn_t4+_skn_t5; EPOCH_server_Authed = compileFi> 16:26:40 Error position: <_skn_t5; EPOCH_server_Authed = compileFi> 16:26:40 Error Undefined variable in expression: _skn_t5 16:26:40 File epoch_server\init\server_securityfunctions.sqf, line 251 16:26:40 Error in expression <th{}; if (_array select 0 isEqualTo '"+_skn_AH_rndVarAHInitCheckToken+"') then > 16:26:40 Error position: <_skn_AH_rndVarAHInitCheckToken+"') then > 16:26:40 Error Undefined variable in expression: _skn_ah_rndvarahinitchecktoken 16:26:40 File epoch_server\init\server_securityfunctions.sqf, line 611 16:26:40 "Epoch: Start Hive, Instance ID: 'NA123'"

hope it helps

vbawol commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the report @natoed Fixed with this commit: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/commit/0bb4c7f985f9a9592c50998985be55db6ce9317a