EpochModTeam / Epoch

Epoch Survival Game Mode for ARMA 3
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Suggestion: Long foundations or variable height foundations or stackable foundations #935

Open KRDucky opened 6 years ago

KRDucky commented 6 years ago

Some form of variable height foundation or the ability to stack foundations (snap) to make tall supports. Alternatively a new buildable object that is simply a support that can be placed. A singular pole that is used as a support. Similar to how the Staircase works. That center pole only stackable to allow for tall buildings and such.

ravmustang commented 6 years ago

Just yesterday AWOL converted snapping positions from the models memory points to the mission configs here:


He-Man took that as a chance to quickly get the half and quarter floors new snapping points here:


This can be accomplished now by anyone without 3d modeling / object builder knowledge(and access to unbinned models). If you would like to give it a whirl on a stacked snapping point, you now have this opportunity!

Check out the wood, metal and cinder towers in respects to center supports 👍 these Towers can also have walls added to any of 4 positions.