Epoxide-Software / Enchanting-Plus

The official repository for the Enchanting Plus mod.
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Item blacklist not working #161

Open CalaMariGold opened 4 years ago

CalaMariGold commented 4 years ago
# A blacklist of items that can't be enchanted with this mod. Format is itemid#meta [default: ]
    S:blacklistedItems <

Tried it without the "#0" too and didn't work either. Is the format wrong or is this a bug?

CalaMariGold commented 4 years ago

Any fix for this? It's extremely vital in Rebirth of the Night.

CalaMariGold commented 4 years ago

CraftTweaker integration doesn't work at all either.



CalaMariGold commented 4 years ago

If someone makes a pull request fixing this, would you merge it asap?

democat3457 commented 4 years ago


pull request fixing this