Epsidon / Observatoire

Observatoire de la santé des francophones
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How to View French Population Distribution at Provincial Level #27

Closed ebourdon closed 10 years ago

ebourdon commented 10 years ago

I suggest we do the following.

We will keep using the health regions for the top view but we will replace the current health region layer with a choropleth map based on the health regions and French populations.

So different colours will show the different percentage of French pop in each health regions. This means a legend will have to appear as soon as the appropriate box is checked (the legend associated to the health regions map). As one zooms-in, the legend will switch to the DA level legend.

There is one problem with this idea which is that we don't have the data for all language variable but so be it.

We currently have national household survey based data for First Official Language Spoken so we will go ahead with that variable and the other variables will just have to wait.

For the other variables we can keep the current health region layer as is.

Of course when we master the heat map feature we can add heat maps as well.

ebourdon commented 10 years ago

Please find the language break down based on the First Official Language Spoken (FOLS) by LHIN in the Socio-economic profiles file in the following DropBox folder:

Dropbox\Database\GeoDatabase\Ava\To Do

The language breakdown by LHIN is found in the Profiles tab, more precisely in columns C (French), D (English), E (French and English) and F (Neither).

Simply talk to me for more explanations.

We have data only for the First Official Language Spoken variable.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Hello Erik,

Thanks for the data.

Could you please send me the columns related to "Proportion de la population totale".


Cheers, Ava

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 6:52 PM, ebourdon notifications@github.com wrote:

Please find the language break down based on the First Official Language Spoken (FOLS) by LHIN in the Socio-economic profiles file in the following DropBox folder:

Dropbox\Database\GeoDatabase\Ava\To Do

The language breakdown by LHIN is found in the Profiles tab, more precisely in columns C (French), D (English), E (French and English) and F (Neither).

Simply talk to me for more explanations.

We have data only for the First Official Language Spoken variable.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/Epsidon/Observatoire/issues/27#issuecomment-35566803 .

ghost commented 10 years ago

I mean which column in the table is related to those?

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 8:13 AM, Ava Ahadipour ava.ahadipour@gmail.comwrote:

Hello Erik,

Thanks for the data.

Could you please send me the columns related to "Proportion de la population totale".


Cheers, Ava

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 6:52 PM, ebourdon notifications@github.comwrote:

Please find the language break down based on the First Official Language Spoken (FOLS) by LHIN in the Socio-economic profiles file in the following DropBox folder:

Dropbox\Database\GeoDatabase\Ava\To Do

The language breakdown by LHIN is found in the Profiles tab, more precisely in columns C (French), D (English), E (French and English) and F (Neither).

Simply talk to me for more explanations.

We have data only for the First Official Language Spoken variable.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/Epsidon/Observatoire/issues/27#issuecomment-35566803 .

ebourdon commented 10 years ago

Good morning Ava,

"Proportion de la population totale" (proportion of total population) is based on columns C, D, E, F.

I suggest in ArcGIS you create a column Total = C+D+E+F and then you normalize each column based on that total column which will give youthe percentages you are looking for.

A trick to understand where the data comes from, you can look at the Example in the "Sur le site" tab. If you click on the cell with the information you are looking for you will see the source of the data.

For instance, on cell B7 you see "=B6/($B$6+$C$6+$D$6+$E$6)" which is equivalent to the suggestion I gave above.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me for more details.

I don't have access to Github during the day but we could also talk on the phone today.


ghost commented 10 years ago

This issue should be fixed :) Please let me know what you think about the Legends' color and we can modify it.

ebourdon commented 10 years ago

Hello Ava,

Again, some fine tuning.

Currently, the content of the popup is the same as the "Socio-Economic Profiles" popups. We don't want that.

The content of the popup should be limited to the population numbers and population proportions.

Please see Word document "Socio-Economic Profile Popup.docx" in the following Dropbox folder for the content of the popups both in French and in English:

Dropbox\Database\GeoDatabase\Ava\To Do

Also, the choropleth colours should be based on the proportion (%) of Francophone in the health region.

I suggest we start with the following ranges:

"Less than 1%" "Greater than or Equal to 1% but Less than 2%" "Greater than or Equal to 2% but Less than 3%" "Greater than or Equal to 3%"


ghost commented 10 years ago

The first part is fixed.

Legends based on <1%

1-1.9% 2-2.9

3% is also created. I only need to add it in "Population Francophone" section.

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 4:37 PM, ebourdon notifications@github.com wrote:

Hello Ava,

Again, some fine tuning.

Currently, the content of the popup is the same as the "Socio-Economic Profiles" popups. We don't want that.

The content of the popup should be limited to the population numbers and population proportions.

Please see Word document "Socio-Economic Profile Popup.docx" in the following Dropbox folder for the content of the popups both in French and in English:

Dropbox\Database\GeoDatabase\Ava\To Do

Also, the choropleth colours should be based on the proportion (%) of Francophone in the health region.

I suggest we start with the following ranges:

<1% 1-1.9% 2-2.9%


Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/Epsidon/Observatoire/issues/27#issuecomment-35671992 .

ghost commented 10 years ago

Legends are created and they are added to map page.

ebourdon commented 10 years ago

Looks very good!

Thanks Ava.