Equipment-and-Tool-Institute / j1939-84

J1939-84 implementation for
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DM11 Retry Missing? #1076

Open ericthomasswenson opened 2 years ago

ericthomasswenson commented 2 years ago

Engine sent busy, yet 2nd DM11 was not not observed in log.

11:57:23.0553 Global DM11 Request 11:57:23.0583 18EAFFF9 [3] D3 FE 00 (TX) 11:57:23.0609 18E8FF13 [8] 00 00 FF FF FF D3 FE 00 Acknowledgment from Steering Controller (19): Response: ACK, Group Function: 0, Address Acknowledged: 255, PGN Requested: 65235 11:57:23.0615 18E8FF17 [8] 00 FF FF FF F9 D3 FE 00 Acknowledgment from Instrument Cluster #1 (23): Response: ACK, Group Function: 255, Address Acknowledged: 249, PGN Requested: 65235 11:57:23.0693 18E8FF00 [8] 03 FF FF FF F9 D3 FE 00 Acknowledgment from Engine #1 (0): Response: Busy, Group Function: 255, Address Acknowledged: 249, PGN Requested: 65235 - Checking for erased diagnostic information

11:57:28.6612 Destination Specific DM6 Request to Engine #1 (0) 11:57:28.6649 18EA00F9 [3] CF FE 00 (TX) 11:57:28.6703 18FECF00 [8] 00 FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF DM6 from Engine #1 (0): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:28.6706 Destination Specific DM12 Request to Engine #1 (0) 11:57:28.6739 18EA00F9 [3] D4 FE 00 (TX) 11:57:28.6802 18FED400 [8] 00 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM12 from Engine #1 (0): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:28.6812 Destination Specific DM23 Request to Engine #1 (0) 11:57:28.6838 18EA00F9 [3] B5 FD 00 (TX) 11:57:28.6902 18FDB500 [8] 00 FF [00 00 00 00 FF FF DM23 from Engine #1 (0): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:28.6911 Destination Specific DM29 Request to Engine #1 (0) 11:57:28.6933 18EA00F9 [3] 00 9E 00 (TX) 11:57:28.7002 189EF900 [8] [00 00 00 00 01 FF FF FF DM29 from Engine #1 (0): Emission-Related Pending DTC Count 0 All Pending DTC Count 0 Emission-Related MIL-On DTC Count 0 Emission-Related Previously MIL-On DTC Count 0 Emission-Related Permanent DTC Count 1

11:57:28.7002 Destination Specific DM5 Request to Engine #1 (0) 11:57:28.7039 18EA00F9 [3] CE FE 00 (TX) 11:57:28.7108 18FECE00 [8] [00 00 14 27 E0 1E E0 1E DM5 from Engine #1 (0): OBD Compliance: HD OBD (20), Active Codes: 0, Previously Active Codes: 0 FAIL: - Engine #1 (0) did not erase DM5 data

// Engine sent busy… no retry in log

ericthomasswenson commented 2 years ago

27 is likely correct.

from 13 CCR 1971.1 (h)(4) (4.1.1) The readiness status for the following component/system readiness bits shall always indicate “complete”: (A) Diesel misfire (section (e)(2)) for engines with a single monitor designed to detect both misfires identified in section (e)(2.2.1) and subject to the monitoring conditions of sections (e)(2.3.1) and (e)(2.3.2) and misfires identified in section (e)(2.2.2) and subject to the monitoring conditions of (e)(2.3.3); (B) Gasoline misfire (section (f)(2)); and (C) Diesel and gasoline comprehensive component (section (g)(3)). (4.1.3) For 2016 and subsequent model year engines, for components and systems not listed in section (h)(4.1.1) above, the readiness status for each component/system readiness bit listed below shall immediately indicate “complete” if any of the following conditions occur: (1) all the respective supported monitors listed below for each component/system have fully executed and determined that the component or system is not malfunctioning, or (2) at least one of the monitors listed below for each component/system has determined that the component or system is malfunctioning after the requisite number of decisions necessary for determining the MIL status have been fully executed, regardless of whether or not the other monitors listed have been fully executed: (A) Diesel Fuel System: sections (e)(1.2.1), (e)(1.2.2), and (e)(1.2.3) (B) Diesel Misfire: section (e)(2.2.1) for engines with a separate monitor designed to detect misfires identified in section (e)(2.2.1) and subject to the monitoring conditions of sections (e)(2.3.1) and (e)(2.3.2) (C) Diesel EGR/VVT: sections (e)(3.2.1), (e)(3.2.2), (e)(3.2.3), (e)(3.2.5), (e)(3.2.6), and (e)(10.2) (D) Diesel Boost Pressure Control System: sections (e)(4.2.1), (e)(4.2.2), (e)(4.2.3), and (e)(4.2.4) (E) Diesel NMHC Converting Catalyst: sections (e)(5.2.2) and (e)(5.2.3)(A) (F) Diesel NOx Converting Catalyst: section (e)(6.2.1) (G) Diesel NOx Aftertreatment: sections (e)(7.2.1) and (e)(7.2.2) (H) Diesel PM Filter: (i) For 2016 through 2023 model year engines, sections (e)(8.2.1), (e)(8.2.2), (e)(8.2.5), and (e)(8.2.6) (ii) For 2024 and subsequent model year engines, sections (e)(8.2.1) and (e)(8.2.5) (I) Diesel Exhaust Gas Sensor: (i) For 2016 and subsequent model year engines on vehicles using the SAE J1939 protocol for the standardized functions required in section (h), and for 2016 through 2023 model year engines on vehicles using the ISO 15765-4 protocol for the standardized functions required in section (h), sections (e)(9.2.1)(A)(i), (e)(9.2.1)(A)(iv), (e)(9.2.1)(B)(i), (e)(9.2.1)(B)(iv), (e)(9.2.2)(A), (e)(9.2.2)(D), and (e)(9.2.3)(A) (ii) For 2024 and subsequent model year engines on vehicles using the ISO 15765-4 protocol for the standardized functions required in section (h), sections (e)(9.2.1)(A)(i), (e)(9.2.1)(A)(iv), (e)(9.2.1)(B)(i), (e)(9.2.1)(B)(iv), (e)(9.2.2)(A), (e)(9.2.2)(D), (e)(9.2.3)(A), and (e)(9.2.4)(A) (J) Diesel Exhaust Gas Sensor Heater: section (e)(9.2.4)(A) for vehicles using the SAE J1939 protocol for the standardized functions required in section (h) (JK) Gasoline Fuel System: section (f)(1.2.1)(C) (KL) Gasoline EGR/VVT: sections (f)(3.2.1), (f)(3.2.2), (f)(9.2.1), (f)(9.2.2), and (f)(9.2.3) (LM) Gasoline Secondary Air System: sections (f)(5.2.1), (f)(5.2.2), (f)(5.2.3), and (f)(5.2.4) (MN) Gasoline Catalyst: section (f)(6.2.1) (NO) Gasoline Evaporative System: sections (f)(7.2.2)(A) and (f)(7.2.2)(B) (OP) Gasoline Oxygen Sensor: sections (f)(8.2.1)(A), (f)(8.2.1)(D), (f)(8.2.2)(A), and (f)(8.2.2)(C) (Q) Gasoline Oxygen/Exhaust Gas Sensor Heater: section (f)(8.2.3)(A) (4.1.4) For 2016 and subsequent model year engines, for monitors that detect faults of more than one major emission-related component (e.g., a single monitor that is used to detect both oxygen sensor faults that are tied to the oxygen sensor readiness bit and air-fuel ratio cylinder imbalance faults that are tied to the fuel system readiness bit), the manufacturer shall include the monitor only in the readiness status for the component/system that the monitor is primarily calibrated, intended, or expected in-use to detect faults of. (4.1.5) Except for the readiness bits listed under section (h)(4.1.1) above, the readiness status for each of the monitored components or systems shall indicate “not complete” whenever fault memory has been cleared or erased by a means other than that allowed in section (d)(2). Normal vehicle shut down (i.e., key off, engine off) may not cause the readiness status to indicate “not complete”. (4.1.7) Manufacturers are not required to use the following monitors in determining the readiness status for the specific component or system: (A) Circuit and out-of-range monitors that are required to be continuous; (B) Gasoline and diesel exhaust gas sensor feedback monitors specified in sections (e)(9.2.1)(A)(iii), (e)(9.2.1)(B)(iii), (e)(9.2.2)(C), (f)(8.2.1)(C), and (f)(8.2.2)(E); (C) Diesel feedback control monitors specified in sections (e)(1.2.4), (e)(3.2.4), (e)(4.2.5), (e)(6.2.2)(D), (e)(7.2.3), and (e)(8.2.7); (D) Gasoline fuel system monitors specified in sections (f)(1.2.1)(A), (f)(1.2.1)(B), (f)(1.2.2), and (f)(1.2.4), and (f)(1.2.5).

ericthomasswenson commented 2 years ago

Retries after a busy for DM11 are preferred by all.

ETS to check busy retry language in -84 ballot draft.

ericthomasswenson commented 2 years ago

D. SAE J1939-21 defines query timeouts and provides for two retries of a given information request. Warnings may be provided for responses that exceed 200 ms, from the query to the first frame of the response, whether provided as a single frame response, BAM, RTS frame, or ACK(Busy). [4] Globally addressed queries shall be accorded two retries. Destination specific queries shall be accorded retries only when the acknowledgement control byte value of 3 “Busy” is received. The multiple response time periods for the RTS/CTS transport protocol shown in SAE J1939-21 Figure C1 shall be individually observed.

E. An acknowledgement PGN control byte value of 3 “Busy” may be received instead of the requested data for a query.

  1. If the original request was a global request, the tool shall retry at least once using a destination specific request addressed to the ECU that provided the busy response. The destination specific acquisition of the data shall be accepted with a warning. The tool shall retry the request at least one additional time (for a total of four times) when a control byte value of 3 has been received.
  2. If the original request was a destination specific request, the tool shall retry using only destination specific requests with a period no more frequent than 200 ms until at least one second has elapsed from the original query to the last request, or until the ECU responds with the requested data, or until the ECU stops responding with the control byte value of 3 “Busy”. Data that is received within the 1.2 second overall timeout provision shall be accepted with no warning or failure message. Data that is not received may be deemed to have timed out and the ECU shall be identified as having failed the test for the given request.

F. The acknowledgement PGN provides the identification of the request in the PGN data field. The data in the field shall be matched to the data in the request along with the address of the sender when an ACK or NACK is used to determine pass or failure outcomes.

[4] Contention between long DM1 messages, which are sent with a fixed 1 Hz period, and Long BAM responses to global queries, including DM19, DM20, and component ID, have been observed. This contention creates race conditions between the global query and the start of the DM1 broadcast (and its completion). Reception of replies sent by the ECM is expected of the test software, when contention occurs.

ericthomasswenson commented 2 years ago

From 3.1.0. Retries appear to be provided

14:23:31.8153 Destination Specific DM20 Request to Engine #1 (0) 14:23:31.8184 18EA00F9 [3] 00 C2 00 (TX) 14:23:31.8269 18E8FF00 [8] 03 FF FF FF F9 00 C2 00 Acknowledgment from Engine #1 (0): Response: Busy, Group Function: 255, Address Acknowledged: 249, PGN Requested: 49664 14:23:32.0302 18EA00F9 [3] 00 C2 00 (TX) 14:23:32.0369 18E8FF00 [8] 03 FF FF FF F9 00 C2 00 Acknowledgment from Engine #1 (0): Response: Busy, Group Function: 255, Address Acknowledged: 249, PGN Requested: 49664 14:23:32.2405 18EA00F9 [3] 00 C2 00 (TX) 14:23:32.4246 1CC2F900 [53] 70 00 06 00 CA 14 F8 00 00 00 00 B8 12 F8 00 00 06 00 C6 14 F8 00 00 06 00 F2 0B F8 01 00 06 00 F8 0B F8 00 00 06 00 C9 14 F8 00 00 06 00 EF 0B F8 01 00 06 00 DM20 from Engine #1 (0): [

Except for global DM11

14:23:31.8153 Destination Specific DM20 Request to Engine #1 (0) 14:23:31.8184 18EA00F9 [3] 00 C2 00 (TX) 14:23:31.8269 18E8FF00 [8] 03 FF FF FF F9 00 C2 00 Acknowledgment from Engine #1 (0): Response: Busy, Group Function: 255, Address Acknowledged: 249, PGN Requested: 49664 14:23:32.0302 18EA00F9 [3] 00 C2 00 (TX) 14:23:32.0369 18E8FF00 [8] 03 FF FF FF F9 00 C2 00 Acknowledgment from Engine #1 (0): Response: Busy, Group Function: 255, Address Acknowledged: 249, PGN Requested: 49664 14:23:32.2405 18EA00F9 [3] 00 C2 00 (TX) 14:23:32.4246 1CC2F900 [53] 70 00 06 00 CA 14 F8 00 00 00 00 B8 12 F8 00 00 06 00 C6 14 F8 00 00 06 00 F2 0B F8 01 00 06 00 F8 0B F8 00 00 06 00 C9 14 F8 00 00 06 00 EF 0B F8 01 00 06 00 DM20 from Engine #1 (0): [

DM11 is a special case.

Start Test 1.10 - DM11: Diagnostic Data Clear/Reset for Active DTCs

13:41:05.2381 Global DM11 Request 13:41:05.2427 18EAFFF9 [3] D3 FE 00 (TX) 13:41:05.2435 18E8FF2A [8] 00 FF FF FF FF D3 FE 00 Acknowledgment from Headway Controller (42): Response: ACK, Group Function: 255, Address Acknowledged: 255, PGN Requested: 65235

13:41:05.2621 18E8FF00 [8] 03 FF FF FF F9 D3 FE 00 Acknowledgment from Engine #1 (0): Response: Busy, Group Function: 255, Address Acknowledged: 249, PGN Requested: 65235

13:41:05.2663 18E8FF17 [8] 00 FF FF FF F9 D3 FE 00 Acknowledgment from Instrument Cluster #1 (23): Response: ACK, Group Function: 255, Address Acknowledged: 249, PGN Requested: 65235

14:08:44.1824 Global DM11 Request 14:08:44.1847 18EAFFF9 [3] D3 FE 00 (TX) 14:08:44.1863 18E8FF2A [8] 00 FF FF FF FF D3 FE 00 Acknowledgment from Headway Controller (42): Response: ACK, Group Function: 255, Address Acknowledged: 255, PGN Requested: 65235

14:08:44.1987 18E8FF00 [8] 03 FF FF FF F9 D3 FE 00 Acknowledgment from Engine #1 (0): Response: Busy, Group Function: 255, Address Acknowledged: 249, PGN Requested: 65235

14:08:44.2023 18E8FF17 [8] 00 FF FF FF F9 D3 FE 00 Acknowledgment from Instrument Cluster #1 (23): Response: ACK, Group Function: 255, Address Acknowledged: 249, PGN Requested: 65235

battjt commented 1 year ago

Request for DM11 is to Global. The rules are that the tool should try twice, then request DS. This rule will not work for DM11. We need a new plan.

ericthomasswenson commented 1 year ago

We all agree that DM11 needs to work on the tested vehicle or the test alternation needed to recover becomes problematic.