Equipment-and-Tool-Institute / j1939-84

J1939-84 implementation for
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Non OBD Module fails Test 9.23 for DM1 #1077

Closed ericthomasswenson closed 3 months ago

ericthomasswenson commented 2 years ago

Body Controller is not an OBD Module. Body Controller faults should not be relevant.

Start Test 9.23 - DM1: Active DTCs

11:57:52.9291 Reading the bus for published DM1 messages

11:57:53.0299 18FECA0B [8] C0 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Brakes - System Controller (11): MIL: not supported, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:53.0756 18FECAE8 [8] 00 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Forward Road Image Processor (232): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:53.0759 18FECA2A [8] 00 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Headway Controller (42): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:53.0908 18FECA05 [8] 00 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Shift Console - Primary (5): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:53.1909 18FECA4C [8] 00 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Communications Unit, Radio (76): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:53.2319 18FECA19 [8] 00 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Passenger-Operator Climate Control #1 (25): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:53.3457 18FECA21 [8] 00 FF [60 08 09 01](tel:60 08 09 01) FF FF DM1 from Body Controller (33): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off DTC 2144:9 - Source Address 144 , Abnormal Update Rate - 1 times

11:57:53.3714 18FECA17 [8] 00 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Instrument Cluster #1 (23): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:53.5191 18FECA00 [8] 00 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Engine #1 (0): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:53.5291 18FECA98 [8] 00 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Reserved for future assignment 152 (152): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:53.5301 18FECA97 [8] 00 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Reserved for future assignment 151 (151): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:53.5668 18FECA37 [8] 00 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Lighting - Operator Controls (55): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:53.6921 18FECA13 [8] F3 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Steering Controller (19): MIL: not supported, RSL: not supported, AWL: off, PL: not supported, No DTCs

11:57:53.7543 18FECAEC [8] 00 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Door Controller #1 (236): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:53.7649 18FECAED [8] 00 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Door Controller #2 (237): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:53.8357 18FECAA0 [8] 00 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Advanced emergency braking system (160): MIL: off, RSL: off, AWL: off, PL: off, No DTCs

11:57:53.8922 18FECA03 [8] F3 FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Transmission #1 (3): MIL: not supported, RSL: not supported, AWL: off, PL: not supported, No DTCs

11:57:53.9132 18FECA4A [8] FF FF [00 00 00 00](tel:00 00 00 00) FF FF DM1 from Communications Unit, Cellular (74): MIL: not supported, RSL: not supported, AWL: not supported, PL: not supported, No DTCs FAIL: - ECU Body Controller (33) reported a previously active DTC

End Test 9.23 - DM1: Active DTCs

ericthomasswenson commented 2 years ago Fail Criteria a. Fail if any ECU does not report MIL off or MIL not supported.
b. Fail if any ECU reports an active DTC. c. Fail if no OBD ECU provides DM1.

3/10/2022 Also, 6.12.6 DM1: Active Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) Actions a. Receive broadcast info ([PG 65226 (SPs 1213-1215, 1706, 3038)]). Fail Criteria a. Fail if any ECU does not report MIL off or not supported. See Section A.8 for allowed values.
b. Fail if any ECU reports active DTCs.

ericthomasswenson commented 2 years ago

The criteria text for DTCs should say b. Fail if any OBD ECU reports an active DTCs

There is unanimous agreement to address later. Additional parties have observed this occurrence. ETS will look for additional text errors matching this pattern in the -84 ballot draft.

DM1 are active DTCs. DM2: Previously Active

ericthomasswenson commented 2 years ago

Preliminary review suggests this text appears isolated cases, and not a general, systematic problem. Often the example text is shown for tests using DS queries to (all) OBD ECUs, where the responses are limited to OBD ECUs by the query text, and responses are thereby understood to be limited to OBD ECUs. Non-OBD ECUs reliably do not respond to DS requests to OBD ECUs, so text revisions in such cases do not seem warranted.

ericthomasswenson commented 2 years ago

Proposed changes not in consolidated text proffer.