TYPO3 integration of Klaro! Consent Management. Klaro! is a powerful tool that protects the privacy and data of your visitors and helps you run a GDPR compliant website.
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Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: Call to undefined method ContentObjectRenderer::createUrl() #6
After install Klaro extension and select Klaro configuration in Site Configuration my website is down. i see below error.
Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: Call to undefined method TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer::createUrl() | Error thrown in file ../typo3conf/ext/klaro_consent_manager/Classes/Service/KlaroService.php in line 804.
I think you need to use function typoLink_URL() instead of createUrl()
I am using TYPO3 11.5.31 and Klaro 1.7.1
After install Klaro extension and select Klaro configuration in Site Configuration my website is down. i see below error.
Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: Call to undefined method TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer::createUrl() | Error thrown in file ../typo3conf/ext/klaro_consent_manager/Classes/Service/KlaroService.php in line 804.
I think you need to use function typoLink_URL() instead of createUrl()