Erabior / RouteManager

Mod for Railroader the game that adds basic automation for passenger routes
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Blank Orders tab #105

Open JohnWilkins82 opened 7 months ago

JohnWilkins82 commented 7 months ago

Since the last Railroader update (2024.2.1) the Orders tab of the locomotive window is blank. removing the RouteManger mod fixes this issue. Is there a way to get RouteManger to work or do I need to wait for a update? LogOutput.log file attached

Update- Rolling back Railroader to the last version fixes the issue. Thank you in advance and keep up the great work. LogOutput.log Player.log

TnNytehawk commented 7 months ago

Getting the same problem on the same versions as you. Had to remove RM to get the Orders page back.

AMacro commented 7 months ago

I've had a quick look, but there's not enough info in the Player.log - you'd need to go through the motion of starting a game, opening a Car Inspector window for a loco (ctrl + click) and selecting the Operations tab to trigger the broken code to get a complete log and a starting point for debugging.

Having said that, the issue seems to be fixed in the dev branch, but not made its way through to an official release as yet.

I've attached a copy of what's in the dev branch, which should get you going until an official release is made.

Note: I've included the default settings file in the 'Vanilla' version and a modified settings file in the 'New Interface' version (currently experimental but mostly working) - the code is the same in either case. If you are not using the default settings at the moment, just copy the dll across.

RouteManager.BepInEx - New RouteManager.BepInEx - RouteManager.UMM - New RouteManager.UMM -

TnNytehawk commented 7 months ago

OK, got some capture for you just in case you want to chase it down. After doing some more testing with, it looks like it's only happening on engines, not on regular cars.

Screenshot image

Logs LogOutput.log Player.log

TnNytehawk commented 7 months ago

Testing, looks good so far, the orders page is working on the engines. 👍 Will keep an eye on it and report back anything odd. Thank you!

JohnWilkins82 commented 7 months ago

Is this better? Will test out .0.0.9 Player.log Thank you.

JohnWilkins82 commented 7 months ago

Everything seems to work well with Thank you again.

AMacro commented 7 months ago

Testing, looks good so far, the orders page is working on the engines. 👍 Will keep an eye on it and report back anything odd. Thank you!

Is this better? Will test out .0.0.9 Player.log Thank you.

The new logs definitely give more info, in particular is this:

MissingMethodException: Method not found: UnityEngine.RectTransform UI.Builder.UIPanelBuilder.AddSlider(System.Func`1<single>,System.Func`1<string>,System.Action`1<single>,single,single,bool)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) UI.CarInspector.CarInspector.DMD<UI.CarInspector.CarInspector::PopulateAIPanel>(UI.CarInspector.CarInspector,UI.Builder.UIPanelBuilder)

It's not immediately obvious to me what the issue is, but I guess it doesn't matter all that much as it appears it's fixed in the next release.

AdamC1228 commented 7 months ago

I have been busy so I have not had a chance to weigh in. I have tested in 2024.2.1 and have not been able to reproduce this. There is a secondary crash in some of the logs that may be worth looking into.

Can you confirm a few things for me?

  1. Are there any other mods other than Route Manager installed? Does not look like it but I have to ask.
  2. Is this a Company or Sandbox session?
  3. Is this a multiplayer Game?
  4. Would you mind sharing the save and if possible show a recording of you triggering the issue?

I know it appears resolved in the testing of but I would like to understand this one a little bit more before I am comfortable with marking it resolved.

[22:37:24 ERR] Exception in AttachedCarChecker
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.IsObjectMonoBehaviour(UnityEngine.Object)
  at UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine (System.Collections.IEnumerator routine) [0x00014] in <ac95ed96621641249c5b2cf74e341b4b>:0 
  at Model.Car.ModelLoadRelease (Model.Car+CarModelLoadToken token) [0x0002f] in <1a030c3c746440708bba905ab05e0410>:0 
  at Model.Car+CarModelLoadToken.Dispose () [0x00000] in <1a030c3c746440708bba905ab05e0410>:0 
  at Character.PlayerController+<AttachedCarChecker>d__47.MoveNext () [0x0009d] in <1a030c3c746440708bba905ab05e0410>:0
SetLoaded sylva-hillside-bungalo: False
AMacro commented 7 months ago

I couldn't reproduce it compiling from the dev branch, but when I used the compiled package from the Github release I was able to reproduce the issue.

I didn't compare the code between v2 branch and dev branch, but that may be where the difference is.

JohnWilkins82 commented 7 months ago

Are there any other mods other than Route Manager installed? Does not look like it but I have to ask. No Is this a Company or Sandbox session? Company Is this a multiplayer Game? No.

Let me know if you still would like a copy of the save file. Am enjoying but can revert if you would like. Thank you. John

Voidheartd commented 7 months ago

Some issue is occurring with with the new interface. The below error keeps reoccurring, and also checking/unchecking the stop/pickup buttons cause a bit of game lag and one time froze the game for about 20 seconds. Multiple times it's just stopped working completely and I've had to turn the built-in passenger mode back on.

[10:39:19.14 ERR RouteManager.UMM] An uncaught exception occured.
System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements
  at System.Linq.Enumerable.Last[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) [0x00010] in <06cfd796a56e417bab3ed4200b0661b2>:0 
  at RouteManager.v2.core.StationManager.getNextStation_dev (Model.Car locomotive) [0x001d6] in <b6d63e3d00a943a283e8e22cfb21fe26>:0 
  at RouteManager.v2.core.AutoEngineer+<AutoEngineerControlRoutine_dev>d__1.MoveNext () [0x000e2] in <b6d63e3d00a943a283e8e22cfb21fe26>:0 
  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <ac95ed96621641249c5b2cf74e341b4b>:0 
AdamC1228 commented 7 months ago

Are there any other mods other than Route Manager installed? Does not look like it but I have to ask. No Is this a Company or Sandbox session? Company Is this a multiplayer Game? No.

Let me know if you still would like a copy of the save file. Am enjoying but can revert if you would like. Thank you. John

Yes Please.

AdamC1228 commented 7 months ago

Some issue is occurring with with the new interface. The below error keeps reoccurring, and also checking/unchecking the stop/pickup buttons cause a bit of game lag and one time froze the game for about 20 seconds. Multiple times it's just stopped working completely and I've had to turn the built-in passenger mode back on.

[10:39:19.14 ERR RouteManager.UMM] An uncaught exception occured.
System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements
  at System.Linq.Enumerable.Last[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) [0x00010] in <06cfd796a56e417bab3ed4200b0661b2>:0 
  at RouteManager.v2.core.StationManager.getNextStation_dev (Model.Car locomotive) [0x001d6] in <b6d63e3d00a943a283e8e22cfb21fe26>:0 
  at RouteManager.v2.core.AutoEngineer+<AutoEngineerControlRoutine_dev>d__1.MoveNext () [0x000e2] in <b6d63e3d00a943a283e8e22cfb21fe26>:0 
  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <ac95ed96621641249c5b2cf74e341b4b>:0 is just a test build, if you are looking for a stable build to use then is the current supported stable release. That said, if you want to run and the new interface is problematic, you can disable it in the settings and it will revert to the old interface and behavior.

Narflar commented 4 months ago

I fired up Railroader after taking a break and ran into the same issue. This is the only mod I run.

I installed, and that resolved the blank route window.

CubsCreeper commented 4 months ago

same here