Eragon615 / cs50-2023-rust

The Harvard cs50 challenges implemented in Rust.
Apache License 2.0
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These s have been read. #1

Open ABD-01 opened 2 weeks ago

ABD-01 commented 2 weeks ago

I did find your explanations amazing. I recently started learning rust. Had done cs50 in 2020. Thought best thing could be do it again in Rust.

Lo and Behold I am not alone!!

Maybe I'll add the remaining weeks. Who knows 🤷

Eragon615 commented 2 weeks ago

Wow! Never thought anyone would read them. Well now I'm motivated to go finish. Rust is awesome, so if you're learning it, I recommend doing cs50 or other coding challenges. I did some of Advent of Code last year as well in Rust and it really helped to push me forward. You should do it too and we can compare repos, learn from each other, etc. Happy coding.