EragonJ / Trip.js

🚀 Trip.js is a plugin that can help you customize a tutorial trip easily with more flexibilities.
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Not to show SKIP Label #185

Closed amitsquare closed 7 years ago

amitsquare commented 7 years ago

Sometime one doesn't want to show the SKIP Label on Some Steps .As There should be option like"canSkip" for local variables ? #

EragonJ commented 7 years ago

@amitsquare I think you can override internal HTML for your own use case ?

amitsquare commented 7 years ago

@EragonJ you can set "skipLabel" to " " for not showing the Label . But this still creates the BUTTON , which have complete functionality of SKIP BUTTON . So This doesn't give exact solution to the problem .

If local options like "canSkip" can be added ? What do you think ?

EragonJ commented 7 years ago

@amitsquare I think you can use customized css to override the default style of trip-skip to display:none in certain steps to fit your use case.

EragonJ commented 7 years ago

you can use inspector to check data-trip-step, when trip is running, this data attribute will be reflected on the UI itself to let you do more customizations.

amitsquare commented 7 years ago

@EragonJ , thanks for this simple solution . Silly me for not thinking this through .

EragonJ commented 7 years ago
