EranGrin / botman-extended-web-widget

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Button Action response not showing #1

Closed sudheerkumarala closed 4 months ago

sudheerkumarala commented 4 months ago

Hey @EranGrin,

Firstly, thank you for the widget and I am still exploring the options. However, is the button action response shown in the chat messages when a user clicks over a button?

For me, it doesn't and when I checked in the node_modules package I can see that the typings directory is not recognisable as you can see from the image. image

I have called by adding the isActionRespondVisible in my conversation.

Also, I have set the useLoader to true which technically should use the loader when sending replies, which it doesn't.

And maybe a bit more details regarding the new options might be helpful (for a novice like me) 😀

Let me know if I am clear regarding my doubt

EranGrin commented 4 months ago

Hi There, You can see this working example CPT2404251745-703x522

On the BE PHP side, be sure you add the additional parameter Button::create('Yes, I need help')->value('yes')->additionalParameters(['isActionRespondVisible' => true]),

UseLoader should function as previously mentioned. Upon receiving a user message, an API call is initiated, and the loader is set to true until the response is received.

You can see this the loader in action in the gif example Hope that helpt you

sudheerkumarala commented 4 months ago

This is my code for the ContactSupportConverstaion

public function run(): void
        $question = Question::create('Do you wish to contact the support')
            ->fallback('Unable to contact')
                Button::create('Yes')->value('yes')->additionalParameters(['isActionRespondVisible' => true]),
                Button::create('No')->value('no')->additionalParameters(['isActionRespondVisible' => true]),
        $this->ask($question, function($answer){

                $value = $answer->getValue();

                if($value == 'yes'){
                } else {
                    $this->say('Ok, Thank you');
            } else {

As you can see the setup is fully functional and I am not able to create the button action response into the chat from the gif, can you help me with this?


EranGrin commented 4 months ago

I would be happy to help, but I would need to try to reproduce the issue. Please provide further details regarding your FE BE implementation, or could you provide a minimal repo of a project that demonstrates the issue?

sudheerkumarala commented 4 months ago

So, I have the controller(BotManController) handle method as follows

 public function handle()
        $this->botman->hears('help', function($bot){
            $this->botman->startConversation(new ContactUserConversation());

        $this->botman->fallback(function ($botman) {
            $message = $botman->getMessage();
            $botman->reply('Sorry I don\'t understand: "'.$message->getText().'"');
            $botman->reply('Please type "help" to start the conversation');

        $this->botman->hears('hi', function ($bot) {
            $this->botman->startConversation(new WebConversation());

and here is my index page

    if (!isset($__theme__)) {
        $bgcolor = '#f38e0a';
    } else {
        $bgcolor = $__theme__->bgcolor;


    var bgColor = '{{ $bgcolor }}';
    var botServer = '{{ route('bot.easybot') }}';
    var userName = '{{ auth()->user()->name }}';

and here is my typescript declaration which I am compiling and loading at the end of the document.

import BotmanWidget from 'botman-extended-web-widget';

//These three variables are passed from the blade view
declare var bgColor: string;
declare var botServer: string;
declare var userName: string;
export default class BotManLib{
        new BotmanWidget({
            introMessage: "✋ Hi,"+ userName +"! what can I do for you ?",
            mainColor: bgColor,
            bubbleBackground: bgColor,
            chatServer: botServer,
            useChatAsIframe: true,
            useInAppCss: true,
            useShadowDom: false,
            autoInit: true,
            useLoader: true,
            displayMessageTime: true,
            aboutText: '',
            bubbleAvatarUrl: '/images/bot.png',
                    background-color: bgColor !important;


One more thing is that the customStylesInjection as you see is also not working, I have made the btn element bgColor but from my previous message with the gif, it is still taking the default color.

And I have already provided the Conversation run class.

Will this help or any other resource is required?? Please let me know.


EranGrin commented 4 months ago

One question before I try to debug, do you have any indication that the configuration take place, for example does the
introMessage: "✋ Hi,"+ userName +"! what can I do for you ?", work as expected?

sudheerkumarala commented 4 months ago

Yes, it is working as expected. image

EranGrin commented 4 months ago

The next trivial step would be to check your package's version in package.json and the lock file.

sudheerkumarala commented 4 months ago

Sure, Package.json image package-lock.json image

EranGrin commented 4 months ago

Hi found few issues with your configuration,

  1. you selected useChatAsIframe: true but you did not define the frameEndpoint( if useChatAsIframe is true you must use the frameEndpoint) I would suggest using the web-component encapsulation.
  2. in customStylesInjection don't use !important

if this still doesn't work pls provide a minimal repo

sudheerkumarala commented 4 months ago

Ah, there it is. My bad, now it is working with the changes. although I found a small bug(maybe) image Whenever I/chatbot do some action, the console is filling like anything, maybe it is for testing purposes but can be removed in the next version.

Have you already added the support for file attachment??


EranGrin commented 4 months ago

Yep, I'm aware of this console.log, and as you mentioned, I'll remove it in the next version. 👍

Regarding, file attachment currently, I didn't test this feature as I don't have use for it in my project, BUT you are very welcome to test it and open an issue if something doesn't work.

sudheerkumarala commented 4 months ago

Hey @EranGrin,

Is there any possibility that we can use a custom class for a button, not a default btn class?

EranGrin commented 4 months ago

Can you explain your use case?, if we use web-component or iframe encapsulation, one should not have any css name conflicts

sudheerkumarala commented 4 months ago

I am using the button for a ContactConversation, however, when I use the button in the conversation it affects the menu buttons that I have and use in many places (which is being affected) for example, the homepage by the btn class of this web widget btn class (default class).

This is also because I have different modules on my site which I compile and load at the beginning of the code.

image and the style element refers to the default CSS class i.e. chat-no-frame.css file


EranGrin commented 4 months ago

There are many ways to solve these kinds of issues, I would suggest trying to use the useShadowDom as this should solve exactly this kind of issue

sudheerkumarala commented 4 months ago

It worked great. Do you know why it overlaps the CSS class and how using useShadowDom can help? It will help to understand.

EranGrin commented 4 months ago

Check this out

EranGrin commented 4 months ago

The console.log leftover was removed in the latest release

EranGrin commented 4 months ago

Hi There, I would like to close this issue

sudheerkumarala commented 4 months ago

The console.log leftover was removed in the latest release

Great, thanks for the patch.

sudheerkumarala commented 4 months ago

Hi There, I would like to close this issue

Sure, I think we can close this issue.