EranOfek / AstroPack

Astronomy & Astrophysics Software Pacakge
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Adding columns to original AstroCat when using imProc.match.match2solarSystem is limited #435

Closed RuslanKonno closed 3 months ago

RuslanKonno commented 3 months ago

When giving an AstroCat object to imProc.match.match2solarSystem,imProc.match.match2solarSystem returns a new catalog with entries from AstroCat that match an asteroid only. If I want to instead update the input AstroCat, then imProc.match.match2solarSystem can only do it for the distance to nearest asteroid, no other columns (such as asteroid mag). Adding additional asteroid information to the original AstroCat is thus very awkward. It would be useful if imProc.match.match2solarSystem gave the option to update the original AstroCat with further parameters.

EranOfek commented 3 months ago

Done. Two new arguments were added to imProc.match.match2solarSystem:

Args.AddMag2Obj                     = false;
Args.ObjColMag                      = 'MagMP';

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