EranOfek / AstroPack

Astronomy & Astrophysics Software Pacakge
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Fraction of pixels with 'CoaddLessImages' bit mask value consistent? #449

Open RuslanKonno opened 2 months ago

RuslanKonno commented 2 months ago

In my transients filtering, ~half of known asteroids are rejected for being within ~3 pix of a pixel with a 'CoaddLessImages' bit mask value. I'm adjusting the filtering so this is not an issue anymore, but independent of that, it's strange to me how frequent this bit mask value seems to be.

Doing a quick count on a few coadds, e.g.,


about ~0.5-1% of all pixels have this bit mask value and it seems to be fairly isotropic wrt. the image. Is this consistent with expectations?