EranOfek / AstroPack

Astronomy & Astrophysics Software Pacakge
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Visit is reprocessed infinte number of times #459

Closed EranOfek closed 1 month ago

EranOfek commented 1 month ago

In: /last04e/data2/archive/LAST.01.04.02/2024/06/09/proc

visit: 200007v1 is processed again and again, v2,...

EranOfek commented 1 month ago

The problem is that the MovingSources object (asteroids) contains over 3000 sources and it is take so long to write, such that the watch dog kills the process and restart it, again and again. The reason for this is that the image quality is very poor (FWHM>5" everywhere), and this may be identified as large number of asteroids.

EranOfek commented 1 month ago

[dev1 40c366f5] Fix 1: The MoviingSources object is written only if it contains less than 200 sources. If the number of sources is larger than an error will be added to the log file. Fix 2: If the median(FWHM) of all the visit sub images is larger than 5", then the processing of the visit will stop and declared as bad images.