EranOfek / AstroPack

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pipeline.last.coaddVisits is broken #476

Closed EranOfek closed 2 weeks ago

EranOfek commented 2 weeks ago

pipeline.last.coaddVisits is broken:

A=importdata('list_EP240708a.txt'); CI=pipeline.last.coaddVisits(A,'CropID',16);

90 CI(Icrop) = imProc.stack.coadd(AI(:,Icrop), 'StackMethod',Args.StackMethod, 'StackArgs',Args.StackArgs); K>> Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1726-by-1726 and the size of the right side is 0-by-0.

Error in ImageComponent/images2cube (line 802) Cube(:,:,Iobj) = Obj(Iobj).(Args.DataPropIn);

Error in imProc.image.images2cube (line 57) varargout{Iarg} = images2cube(Out{Iarg}, 'CCDSEC',Args.CCDSEC,...

Error in imProc.stack.coadd (line 183) [ImageCube, BackCube, VarCube, MaskCube] = imProc.image.images2cube(ImObj, 'CCDSEC',Args.CCDSEC, 'DimIndex',IndexDim, 'DataProp',DataProp, 'DataPropIn',Args.DataPropIn, 'Cube',Args.Cube);

Error in pipeline.last.coaddVisits (line 90) CI(Icrop) = imProc.stack.coadd(AI(:,Icrop), 'StackMethod',Args.StackMethod, 'StackArgs',Args.StackArgs);

EranOfek commented 2 weeks ago

This is due to some fundamental problems in images2cube functionality.

EranOfek commented 2 weeks ago

Fixed. added in ImageComponent/images2cube:

   if ~isempty(Obj(Iobj).(Args.DataPropIn))
                        Cube(:,:,Iobj) = Obj(Iobj).(Args.DataPropIn);