ErdongChen-Andrew / CharacterControl

Floating Capsule Character Controller (Rigibody control)
MIT License
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Follow Cam #13

Open sliktrik opened 5 months ago

sliktrik commented 5 months ago

Would it be possible to implement a 'follow cam' style camera movement?

So rather than 2 inputs controlling the camera and the player movement i.e. (mouse and WASD keys) or (left and right thumb stick on mobile)

The user could either use WASD or a single joystick and have the camera lerp and follow the player

This would require less input and effort from the use in order to control the player

example ->

ErdongChen-Andrew commented 5 months ago

I think it's better having an option to release the camera, allowing developers to customize it to suit their needs. 🤔

sliktrik commented 4 months ago

Just checking to see if theres been an update on this?

ErdongChen-Andrew commented 4 months ago

In v1.0.63, I've added the "disableFollowCam" feature, although it might not be exactly what you're looking for.