ErdongChen-Andrew / CharacterControl

Floating Capsule Character Controller (Rigibody control)
MIT License
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Character overcompensates for Kinematic Moving Platform's movement #3

Open idanarye opened 1 year ago

idanarye commented 1 year ago

After jumping on the Kinematic Moving Platform, I do not touch the controls - but the character still moves relatively to the platform. Seems like it overcompensates for the platform's movement?

ErdongChen-Andrew commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @idanarye! On my end, I do notice a slight sliding effect on the moving platforms. I thought it would be a good way to simulate momentum from the platforms. However, it seems that the sliding issue is more noticeable on your end. I suspect that when the FPS drops, the platform fails to apply the correct velocity to the character for the current frame. I believe that improving the performance in the next release will fix this issue.