EremusOne / ESPectrum

A ZX spectrum 48K, 128K and Pentagon 128 emulator running on the Espressif ESP32 SoC
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Unable to open SD card #52

Closed RA-NGR closed 2 weeks ago

RA-NGR commented 3 weeks ago

SD-Fail Module: TTGO VGA32 ESPectrum version: 1.2 I made simple SD card test scketch SD-Check

Gods69 commented 3 weeks ago

No problems here. Have you tried another brand of SD card?

EremusOne commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @RA-NGR !

SD card is working flawlessly for everyone in all the boards tested with ESPectrum 1.2 so please give me some context about your issue:

Also, some video of the problem will be helpful.

Regards ;)

RA-NGR commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @EremusOne The board is v1.4 ESPectrum.1.2.bin flashed with Espressif tool (I tried flash v1.1 - SD not working) I tried both FAT and FAT32 Video is preparing, give me a couple of days

Hi @Gods69 The card fully working with my test sketch (I take it from Arduino SD card example and slightly modify). So problem isn't brand

Gods69 commented 3 weeks ago

I also have the TTGO VGA32 v1.4 with no problems. I'm using a old 1GB Sandisk SD card and updated to FW 1.2 via "SD card update" method.

RA-NGR commented 3 weeks ago

Hi. Victor. Here is the video, but I think it is not helpful

Gods69 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, You need to try another memory card. There are several ways to access an SD card via software and your card (512MB) may not support the way it is accessed. (Also try to format it in FAT32)

RA-NGR commented 2 weeks ago


You need to try another memory card. There are several ways to access an SD card via software and your card (512MB) may not support the way it is accessed. (Also try to format it in FAT32)

Ok, I will try. But card also working good in my "spectrum" based on rp2040 image

EremusOne commented 2 weeks ago


There are potential incompatibilities between SD card readers and various brands or types of cards. In its current state, ESPectrum, on the Lilygo TTGO VGA32 v1.4, has proven to be very reliable, and most users who have encountered problems have resolved them by properly reformatting or changing the card.

In any case, I do not rule out the possibility that the malfunction could be corrected via software and that it might be possible to get that stubborn card to work. Unfortunately, I cannot dedicate time to this right now, and I would also need your card to test different settings because I don't have any faulty card (I've never had any problem with all the cards I've tested).

So, my advice is to test with a different and, if possible, newer and of a known and reliable brand (I use Sandisk Ultra 32gb and 64gb with excellent results).

One question: ¿That sketch you posted first was executed on the same Lilygo where ESPectrum doesn't read your card or in different hardware?


RA-NGR commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, Victor. The sketch executed on the same board and it's really strangely. So I opened issue. Ok, I will try another card, thank you. You may close this issue