ErfanRht / MovieLab

An open source movie tracker and movie finder.
Apache License 2.0
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No import from app #21

Closed mondlicht-und-sterne closed 1 year ago

mondlicht-und-sterne commented 1 year ago

This means that if an update no longer allows the app to start, all data is gone ? Or with a new update, the data (everything I entered) is there again? So then I would have to register compulsorily at .... ?


ErfanRht commented 1 year ago

Your data saves in shared preferences in your phone by default and it means it wouldn't get lost by a new update. And you can also export your data in "Profile->Setting->Offline import/export database->Export backup file" and have a backup of your data.

But I'm afraid there's no register option in the app yet and you only can save your data offline.