Eric3911 / ScaledYOLOv4

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requirements #3

Open adrienbruno opened 3 years ago

adrienbruno commented 3 years ago

I thank you very much for your implementation of scaled yolo.

I try to install it following your proceedings but some errors appears with the instruction:

python build install

the main error is "/mish-cuda/csrc/ fatal error: CUDAApplyUtils.cuh: No such file or directory"

I think it is a version problem. What s your requirements?

Encore Merci et à bientôt!!

adrienbruno commented 3 years ago

I don't understand in fact. Using a container image like this "", you don't need a versionning. The requirements are given by the container.

Eric3911 commented 3 years ago

Mish is for acceleration and independent compilation. According to your question, I know you should check your version of Python