EricArcher / strataG

strataG is a toolkit for haploid sequence and multilocus genetic data summaries, and analyses of population structure.
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Enhancement request: convert genlight to gtypes #28

Closed lkomoro closed 3 years ago

lkomoro commented 4 years ago

It would be great if there was a function to convert genlight to gtypes to faciliate integration of agedenet and strataG with larger SNP datasets.

thierrygosselin commented 4 years ago

in the meantime, you can use radiator::genomic_converter function:

test <- radiator::genomic_converter(data = your.genlight.object, output = "gtypes")
# test is a list with a tidy dataset and your new gtypes object...

to give it a try: radiator installation instructions

EricArcher commented 3 years ago

added genlight2gtypes and gtypes2genlight conversion functions