EricEchemane / IQ

A real-time and interactive quiz platform for DFCAMCLP students and professors. A professor can create quiz rooms and allow students to join in. With real time ranking system for the students, editble quiz, questions and more.
8 stars 2 forks source link

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Closed Rizzm closed 1 year ago

Rizzm commented 1 year ago

Ma-lagay ng students yung information nila at ma-view ng professor yung information ng mga students. Pag-ka-tapos mag take ng quiz ma-ki-kita ng professor sa view participant yung Full name, Section year level, program, course, Rank number (kung pang ilan sila sa na unang natapos mag sagot), tapos score. tapos palagyan ng exit yung banda sa student account kase walang exit sila pagkatapos mag quiz. tapos paayos ng year and section lagyan mo ng symbol na agnto - Capture 4-4 dapat may symbol na (-) ganto ric

EricEchemane commented 1 year ago
