EricHigdon / OctoPrint-RGB_status

Adds RGB LED support to OctoPrint with the ability to choose effects based on the current status of your printer
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LEDs stay white most of the time #16

Closed RootUser3885 closed 5 years ago

RootUser3885 commented 5 years ago

The LEDs stay white untill the server is used or reloaded. No matter what colors set, it seems to blip the idle effect.


FlakJAG commented 5 years ago

Mine do the same. They run constantly white at max brightness which makes them quite hot. They only show the selected color/animation for a second or two when you change settings or restart the pi. Running 16 WS2812B's on a Pi 3b.

EricHigdon commented 5 years ago

@RootUser3885 @FlakJAG Can you please share you octoprint.log files?

Also, do you have any other information regarding this issue? Does it happen as soon as the server loads, or after a print? If you restart the server (or change the idle effect), does it start working again? What colors do you have your progress bar set to? Do you have any other plugins installed that might be trying to control the LEDs (or even use the SPI pin for something else)?

FlakJAG commented 5 years ago

octoprint.log Tried different animations/ solid colors and they all do the same thing. on reboot it shows the idle color for a bit. The start up color flashes on and then white 2 or 3 times. By that point Octorprint is fully loaded and it goes to the idle color again for 5-10 seconds and then just goes all white and stays that way. If you click anything in Octoprint the idle color comes on for a few seconds before going steady white again. When I start a print it goes to the base color while warming up the printer, then goes back to full white as soon as the print actually starts. Sorry for such a rough explanation, I'll try to video ASAP to give you a better idea.

EricHigdon commented 5 years ago

@FlakJAG Your log looks fine. It should do the rainbow effect on server start, then changes to a solid color for the default idle effect. Can you share a screenshot of the RGB Status section of your settings dialog?

RootUser3885 commented 5 years ago

It seems to only show color when the server is loading something, otherwise they stay white at 100%. It also does it on server startup but only for a fraction of a second. The LEDs I'm using are the ws2812 strip. Any other information you need just ask, this is a really cool idea and I cant wait to see it 100% working.

octoprint.log Screenshot (1) Screenshot (2)

EricHigdon commented 5 years ago

@RootUser3885 @FlakJAG I'm curious if you are both using the WS2812_STRIP LED Type?

Maybe that's the common factor that is having issues. Have you tried it with one of the WS2811 options selected?

RootUser3885 commented 5 years ago

I don't have any WS2811 strips handy, It very well could be the issue. I think my friend might have some 11s. I will have to barrow some and try it. I wonder what makes them different?

EricHigdon commented 5 years ago

@RootUser3885 Can you try one of the 2811 options using your 2812 LEDs? Perhaps WS2811_GRB?

RootUser3885 commented 5 years ago

I'll give it a try, it's printing rn so it will be a while.

FlakJAG commented 5 years ago

I tried a few different options the other day and specifically tried 2811grb again today, but I get the same results as before. I will order up some different LED's (2811's/6812's) for testing purposes. Also thought I should mention I'm running octopi_version: 0.14.0, not the latest version if it makes a difference or not.

redeye86 commented 5 years ago


I think I have the same issue. A few days back it worked flawlessly, but now i have exactly the same problems, also on ws2812b. At first i thought it had something to do with my self soldered gpio adapter board, which i tried out the first time yesterday. But to isolate problems i tried ws2812-spi and it works without problems. I even tried to run octoprint and from that project in parallel and the wave was interuppted by short (milliseconds) white flashes coming from octoprint/the plugin (i assume) every second or so.

Btw: I also get the configured idle animation during the slicing process using the internal cura slicer but afterwards it turns white again.

EDIT: Side info, but might be helpful: If i stop octoprint, all leds switch off. If i set led to count to 30 (instead of 60 that i actually have), only the first half of the string displays the effect while the rest is still white all the time.

EDIT2: fuser /dev/spidev0.0 only shows octoprint PIDs, so i assume that there is no other process disturbing.

redeye86 commented 5 years ago

I have tested a few things. First i added some logging in the to see the color values that are actually sent to the strip. And indeed there is no 255,255,255 or so sent to them. But the logging and tail -f-ing via ssh itself was a bit cpu demanding and the solid color setting worked while the logging was active, at the same time rainbow effects still did not.

Ultimatively i came to the conclusion that it has something to do with the timing, so i to changed the frequency setting and tada it seems to work fine with doubled frequency (1600000 Hz). But i do not know if this has some negative impact on something.

Btw. I forgot to mention that i also drop-in-replaced my rpi2 by a rpi3 a few days ago.

EricHigdon commented 5 years ago

@redeye86 thanks for the info. I could totally see a setup with a lot of leds and/or other plugins running having timing issues. Just to confirm: did you add core_freq=250 to your boot/config.txt file?

redeye86 commented 5 years ago

Sorry, you are right. I saw that hint in the instructions but when i configured my raspi 2 it was not relevant and i just didn't remember when i switched to rp3. At least it could give the others an idea what they can change.

Interestingly the ws2812-spi library does work without that setting, so maybe it is possible to make it work without that kernel parameter.

EricHigdon commented 5 years ago

@redeye86 So if you set the core_freq to 250, then set the plugin frequency back to 80000Hz, do the LEDs work?

redeye86 commented 5 years ago

Yes, exactly.

EricHigdon commented 5 years ago

@redeye86 Awesome! That's good to hear. I'm slightly ashamed that I didn't think of that when this issue first came up. Thanks so much for your help in debugging. Hopefully it will work for @RootUser3885 and @FlakJAG as well.

In the long-term, I'm hoping to get #6 done so that I can walk users through that setup when the plugin is first installed.

FlakJAG commented 5 years ago

Not having core_freq=250 was the problem, its working now. When I first set everything up I swear I added core_freq=250 to my boot/config, but I think I screwed up saving my changes. Wish I would of double checked that sooner. Thanks for the help guys. Looking forward to seeing this plugin expand, it has a lot of potential.

Tadimsky commented 5 years ago

Just wanted to let you know that I had the same issue and after setting my core_freq to 250 on a Pi 3, it worked for me as well.

Love the plugin by the way, I was about to build something like it a few months ago but got distracted, now when I looked again you had one :D.

Gifford47 commented 4 years ago

the same problem appears to occur again with rpi4. i have now set core_freq=500 for me, but no change, the leds glow white all the time. any advice?

Soulofdestiny commented 4 years ago

I had the same issue, so I want to share how I solved it. When I moved the cpu_freq=250 out from the [all]section into the general one, it worked for me