EricSmekens / node-bluetooth-obd

Node package for communication with Bluetooth OBD connectors.
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Data contains nothing #20

Closed Innercode closed 7 years ago

Innercode commented 7 years ago


I've a ELM327 connected to a raspberry. Succesfully paired and trusted. When I'm running the demo code, data is always empty. Console shows rows with {} What's going wrong?

Thanks in advance!

EricSmekens commented 7 years ago

Just retesting this code, and I can partyl verify this issue, for me it keeps saying 'NO DATA'.

This was due to not supported functionality in my simulator.

Closing for now, if this happens again, then please post a new issue with more information. (Use of simulator, does it work with other devices?)

scramble45 commented 7 years ago

::Bump:: I am having the same issue, been using your serial based library that's been working great. Bought a cheap ELM327 BT adapter the code pairs to it automatically. I also had to take out the ATZ and now I get:

{ value: 'NO DATA' }

Any ideas?

Also I am using a OBDII simulator using ATSP2