Closed Xhonor closed 1 year ago
ill answer there too, but:
It should be in mounted devices and mount points. It's the storage volume guid
the full path to the file executed is in the Files referenced collection.
dump a pf file with pecmd from the command line then look for the file entry in yellow
thats the full path
I tried, but he gives me an unknown Volume ID. There is no such thing in the lists of my disks.
which entry in mountpoints is for the c drive? perhaps the guid is rearranged?
could the data you are seeing be from a previous windows install that had older GUIDs?
how old is the prefetch? has a windows10 update happened since then?
do some testing on a clean install. run an exe from somewhere, look at prefetch guid, and match it up to what is in current moutpoints.
its hard to be more specific without more details
Noup, i start Cinema 4d - 4 hours ago... Try in another PC.
try this
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> diskpart
Microsoft DiskPart version 10.0.17763.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. On computer: DESKTOP-9L1HKC9
DISKPART> list disk
Disk ### Status Size Free Dyn Gpt
Disk 0 Online 476 GB 2048 KB *
DISKPART> select disk 0
Disk 0 is now the selected disk.
DISKPART> uniqueid disk
Disk ID: {5F589409-D1DC-4E18-A0D9-5A1593F78A08}
what does your C drive disk show?
also you may need to pull the GUID out of the binary data in mounteddevices
please let me know what you find.
Disk ID: C9514D29
Another disk {1A672A06-D975-42B9-A5FC-19805A188576}
Same problem in another PC. Unknown Volume.
you can see the full path to the exe. that should only exist on a single drive in your case with a reference to program files, etc. that should help to a degree to determine which volume its on
The volume id is two parts
Creation time of the volume as a 64 bit filetime, as hex, in big endian format The volume serial number
It's not found anywhere else that I know of.
I have the same issue. Output is not in the correct GUID format.
You are incorrect assuming it's a guid.
The format is correct. It was reversed after the initial comments long ago.
This is not an issue. It's just the way it is.
Hello. Already asked a question on StackOverflow , but could not get an answer. Can you help me with this question? How to get the full path to the file that is used in Prefetch?