Describe the solution you'd like
I already implemented smap file (provided below), but I would like to see if its possible to add image extraction of the data column. The column is stored as BLOB in the table edge_visits. For now I added a simple hint to the output so users can find these images themselves.
Description: Chromium Browser History Screenshots
Author: Michal Minar
Id: 2ff9fe76-b191-422b-abf7-976e8e540326
Version: 1.0
CSVPrefix: ChromiumBrowser
FileName: History
IdentifyQuery: SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND (name='edge_visits');
IdentifyValue: 1
Name: Chromium Browser History Screenshots
Query: |
datetime( visit_time / 1000000 + ( strftime( '%s', '1601-01-01' ) ), 'unixepoch', 'localtime' ) as VisitTime,
u.url as URL,
u.title as Title,
'See the image yourself under History (file)/edge_visits (table)/data (column)' as Hint
FROM edge_visits ev
JOIN visits v
on = ev.visit_id
JOIN urls u
ORDER BY visit_time ASC;
BaseFileName: ScreenshotsList
# Documentation
# So far I found only a few (one to be precise) articles regarding screenshots saved into History file when browsing the Web using Microsoft Edge.
Additional context
MS Edge added a new settings option to their browser, which saves screenshots when browsing the web. So far I found only one article and I was able to extract screenshots on my local machine using the steps provided that article.
Assigned @EricZimmerman to provide insight re: blob extraction capabilities. Maybe this is already a part of the sqlite dll but I don't know at this time.
SQLECmd version
Describe the solution you'd like I already implemented smap file (provided below), but I would like to see if its possible to add image extraction of the
column. The column is stored as BLOB in the tableedge_visits
. For now I added a simplehint
to the output so users can find these images themselves.Additional context MS Edge added a new settings option to their browser, which saves screenshots when browsing the web. So far I found only one article and I was able to extract screenshots on my local machine using the steps provided that article.