ErichHeinemann / ESP32-Audio-Tests-ML

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hi mr erich, I'm a beginner, I saw your comment on ryokosaka... can you make a drum project by connecting it to ESP 32 as a stand alone drum module, like your project, (sorry my English is bad) #3

Open chenk22 opened 1 year ago

chenk22 commented 1 year ago

I want to use the Arduino module as a drumpad controller. With the hellodrum library. And the esp32, i2s max 98357 module, thank you

ErichHeinemann commented 1 year ago

Hi, yes You can do this. Use the Arduino-Controller to create MIDI-messages and connect it to the MIDI-In of the ESP32-Module. It is like the PCM-Mod for the Volca Beats. Since I have moved the code to github, I didn´t do a lot with the ESP32 any more. .. .I am playing guitar mostly without amplification. Perhaps - and I am not shure, You have to check if it compiles with the current newer versions of ESP32, Arduino-IDE etc. The main problem, which I heard from others is to upload the WAV-Files, which wasn´t a problem from me with Windows10. .. With my Apple Macbook, I wasn´t able to upload the WAV-Files ...

chenk22 commented 1 year ago

Thank you, Mr. Erich, for the response, what should I change from your code, if I use i2s max 98357? can you help me in this stand alone drumpad project?

ErichHeinemann commented 1 year ago

Hi, Use this code and it should work too. I have tested a Max98357 Chip too but the sound was much much better with the PCM-Chip. I didn´t search for the reason why it is sounding so bad, - mostly distorted and not well usable for Drum-Sounds. Better use the PCM-Chip and use any kind of amplifier which has an independent Power-Supply. Don´t drive the amplifier not via the Power-Rails 5V or 3.3V from the ESP32!

chenk22 commented 1 year ago

hi mr erich ,, I have tried to compile it, and it worked. But I haven't uploaded yet, I'm still confused about what I have to change if I take the sample code from the Ryokokosaka library, with 8 pads this is the sample code,,:




LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);


/ Mux Breakout ----------- Arduino S0 ------------------- 2 S1 ------------------- 3 S2 ------------------- 4 Z -------------------- A0 / //Define MUX Pins HelloDrumMUX_4051 mux(2, 3, 4, 0);

//Please name your pad and controller. HelloDrum kick(0); HelloDrum snare(1, 2); HelloDrum tom1(3); HelloDrum tom2(4); HelloDrum ride(5, 6); HelloDrum crash(7);

//The piezo named "hihat" is connected to the A6 pin. //The FSR or TCRT5000 named "hihatPedal" is connected to the A7 pin. HelloDrum hihat(6); HelloDrum hihatPedal(7);

//Set the DIGITAL pin number to which the buttons are connected. HelloDrumButton button(6, 7, 8, 9, 10); //(EDIT,UP,DOWN,NEXT,BACK)

chenk22 commented 1 year ago

what should I update with the code?