2 part question:
Part 1: Is there a way to instantiate the FSL_USB_CDC_Device to just implement a virtual COM port with generic UART functionality (ie: no command line processing stuff.)?
Part 2: Is there a way to instatiate an additional USB_CDC_Device (for example, as a second virtual COM)?
Part 1: yes, simply use the GetChar() and SendChar() functions while periodically call the App_Task().
Part 2: No, this is not supported in the USB stack (yet). But you could implement your own combined device.
2 part question: Part 1: Is there a way to instantiate the FSL_USB_CDC_Device to just implement a virtual COM port with generic UART functionality (ie: no command line processing stuff.)?
Part 2: Is there a way to instatiate an additional USB_CDC_Device (for example, as a second virtual COM)?
Thanks for any insight you can provide.